Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Sorry, no refunds...

I find it hard to write on my blog lately because I'm never quite in the mood. Today I just feel very resigned. I'm really at a loss for what to do. Inevitably things will work out, but they haven't yet and it's getting frustrating. I'm working a shitty job for a shady guy in a shabby market. This just ain't no fun. I'm still sending out resumes, though. I found a sustainable design center today and will start sending resumes out to some names I got from there. It'd be great if I could get in on the green market. Here's to hoping...

Anyway, I haven't posted a harmonica video in awhile so I figure I'd throw one up. It's five minutes of your life you'll never get back, but it gets good for about 30 seconds somewhere around the 3:20 mark. Oh yeah, turn your volume down first. It might be kinda loud.

When all else is dark, I'll always have my Katy and my harmonica. What else do I really need?