Thursday, March 12, 2009

at a loss...

Just not sure what to do. I've slipped into a pretty hefty depression with everything that's going on. My old boss is still dodging my calls so I went to a payphone to call and he answered. As soon as I said my name he hung up. He's skipping out on a $500 paycheck he owes me. I'm thinking of small claims court but am not sure if it's worth it. I'd rather just... well, perhaps that's better left unsaid. I volunteered an extra day at Habitat today. What else was I going to do? I'll go tomorrow, too. At least I'm of some use there. Next week's job hunting strategy is boiling down to wearing a sandwich board on the side of the road during morning rush hour. It will say:

Graduate architect
Construction experience
Want to design/ build green

...or any work will do.

That would be funny if I weren't seriously considering it.