Sunday, October 18, 2009

On reunions and being missed and chili...

Hello Dear Readers! It's been too long. Last week I took Katy home to meet the family and what a marvelous time we had. I don't think we've had that much family together in one place in many, many years... at least not for any reason other than a funeral. My sister opened her fantastic new home to us and we celebrated Canadian Thanksgiving by eating until we couldn't move. Such amazing food! Everyone pitched in and brought their favorite dish, but I think it was Mom's turkey that stole the day (of course). I got to introduce Katy to Maury and Tarrah, finally... she says it's good to put faces with names she's heard so much about. I was lucky and they didn't unleash any embarrassing secrets this time. I think they are waiting until the second meeting. There were lots of little kids running around and once I broke out the harmonicas they were all entranced. I'm hoping someone got pictures of me dancing around the backyard playing for them. I even let them all play a couple of my harps... I think I may have created one or two future harmonica players! The weather in Oklahoma has been gray and rainy for a month or two but the day we had the reunion the sun came out and we got to experience Oklahoma sky in all its glory. I was really, really happy to see all my cousins and their husbands and kids and my Grammy and Corey's parents (who drove in from Indiana!) and, of course, my Mom and Corey and my Sister and Tyler. I also got to see my best friend from high school, Hinkle. I saw him for an hour or two a couple years ago, but it's been more than 4 years since we last caught up. Too long. I hope to make it home at least once a year from now on so there are no more 4 year absences. I mentioned doing the same celebration next year and everyone seemed to like the idea. We realized that our generation of grandkids are all old enough that we have to start taking over the family gatherings now. Wow... it's almost like being an adult.

So we had a great trip and a really relaxing time. Mom and Kim and Corey and Tyler went to great lengths to extend their hospitality to us and as a result Katy and I came home rested and ready to get back to our routines. Katy jumped feet first into school, of course, and is going strong again. I got back to work and started hearing from most everyone in the shop that I'm not allowed to go on vacation again. Evidently the person who did my job for me while I was away didn't do such a fantastic job and they all appreciate me even more now. What a nice welcome to return to. Work is really busy and I'm getting to work an hour or two of overtime every day. This week I'll get back into jiu jitsu and I'm hoping to train three times a week in preparation for a tournament in November. We'll see how that goes.

Katy and I had a great time this weekend with friends. Yesterday we were treated to another Thanksgiving dinner at Shawn and Kelly's (fabulous!) and today we went to the apple festival at UBC with Steve and Helena. I have at least 3 or 4 dozen of the most amazing apples you have ever tasted in my fridge right now. One of them doesn't even have a name yet... I think they're calling it SPA 439. And I have Aurora Golden Galas and Honeycrisps, and a couple other types I can't remember by name. I shouldn't have to buy apples until at least March! Mmmm... apples! Then after the festival we went grocery shopping and did a bit of cleaning (but not too much!) and started a big heaping pot of chili! And now I will close, as said chili is ready to be eaten! Have a great week everyone!

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Breaking the pane of silence with a brick of fluff...

I write as I sit in Vancouver airport awaiting a boarding call for my plane back home. Yep... it's been a long time but I'm finally getting to go home to Oklahoma. I left 4 years ago and have only been back for Nannaw's funeral two years ago. Essentially, it's been 4 years since I've visited home. That's a long time! I stayed with Mom in California over a couple of Summers, but Kim was the only one left in Oklahoma for quite a few years. Now that mom has returned to Oklahoma it will be more like home. Mom and Kim have planned a big family gathering to celebrate Katy and my engagement. I'm really excited to bring Katy home to meet the family, too. Most of them are wondering about this strange Canadian woman who tamed me... to some she's like my own little snuffleufugus.

Ok, time to board. Hopefully now that I've broken my hiatus, I will continue to write. Only time will tell.

Home, here I come!