Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Addendum to an ode...

Got a note from someone confused about my joblessness. Yes, I was working construction but about 2 weeks ago I got hurt at work because my boss was in such a hurry that he let safety slip. Not that unsafe work conditions aren't the norm working for this guy, but this time I happened to get caught [in the head... with a 2x12] and had to take off a week of work for a neck and back injury. Well, I guess I'm being fired for filing a worker's comp claim. Technically, he hasn't fired me... he just refuses to answer his phone. I am left to assume I'm fired because the first thing he did when I got hurt was try to talk me out of filing a claim. And then he followed that by dodging me for four days while I talked to his answering machine about getting a check he owed me. Classy guy. So no, I'm no longer employed. And my backup has no work, either.

But on a good note, I got enough from my tax refund this year that we're going to be okay for April. And maybe I'll get to volunteer an extra day at Habitat this week.

Hey, it's something, right?