Friday, March 06, 2009

Are you kidding me?

Are you kidding me?

Just a quick note because I am so perplexed as to what is happening in the States right now. For eight years, it has almost been criminal to criticize the White House. Journalists have been run out of town on a rail for daring to report on questionable activities in our government. We've been hearing that it's not okay to second guess your government in a time of war, if ever at all.

But now somehow things are different? Now the conservatives are openly calling for the failure of the US government? Journalists are adopting fiery Southern Baptist evangelical tones in their venomous, often unintelligible rants against a man who's making changes they don't like to a system they helped break for no less than eight years. For crying out loud, Fox News is blatantly seeding the idea of a civil war against the government! To say I am stunned would be unspeakably understated. This is no longer politics. This isn't about morals, principles or values. This is tribalism at its purist. This is a case of 'your team vs. mine' and it's accepted in a nation of people addicted to the concept of one team vs. the other. Oooh! The intrigue! The suspense! The drama! The hostility of it all! What a shameful face America's media outlets have taken on in the first two months of a new presidency. Two months!!! I've heard all the excuses ranging from, "Well, for eight years you've wanted us to be harder on government and I think you're right," to, "This man is a card-carrying communist who's going to turn America into a Socialist nation and America was founded to fight Socialism!" Is anyone falling for this line of filth? I have to believe so, as reports have it that Fox News' ratings are up 29% along with the new administration. How shameful. Just uterly and inexplicabley shameful. There are a great many Americans who did not like the electing of Barrack Obama, for whatever reason. But why bully the Americans via our airwaves into opposing him now? He's president! He has a job to do! There is no bipartisanship coming from the other side of the table... every attempt at bipartisanship by Obama's team has met with stonewalled failure. And now, two months into a new leadership style, a new vision, and a new plan, those who disagree are turning the game dirty again, just like they did when Clinton won the presidency. I'm... aw screw it.

It's good to question and to investigate and to hold our government accountable. But this has already gone too far. Shouldn't we let them get started first? We've picked this guy, Obama, to run a leg of this marathon for us. And yet we're heckling him off the line. Hell, we're doing more than heckling... we're pushing and shoving and tying his shoelaces together. The ultra-conservatives have destroyed the Republican name and are now stifling a Democratic president because he wants to balance the books, take proportionally from all Americans, ensure good health for all Americans, and heal a system that has been maimed and disfigured for too long.

I thought things were going to get better with new leadership, but instead, those who have been on the defensive for eight years have just switched to a blistering offense. This is insane. It's childish. It's irresponsible. It's dangerous. And anyone playing along with it deserves a karmic dropkick to the head.