Friday, March 27, 2009

One year anniversary of my trip to Goa...

Hard to believe it, but it's already been a year since my trip to India. I was so happy a year ago from today... exploring Dharavi and Mumbai with the Urban Typhoon workshop, relaxing on the beach in Goa with friends and wandering around Delhi with my friend, Sulai. While we were in Goa, I broke out a sketch book and about 8 of us spent an entire night drawing (and drinking). I promised everyone I'd scan and post the images when I returned to Canada and I did... though it has taken me a year to do so. But here they are for all to see. The first dozen or so I drew while at the beach but the rest are the scribblings of a group of creative folk trapped in a washed out campsite in the forest with nothing to do. There was some really awful warm beer that night but then I remembered the bottle of Johnnie Walker I had in my bag for just such an occasion! We sat around talking nonsense and doodling the same... good times. For those who were there, that trip to Goa was one of my fondest memories. Hope time has treated you all well... cheers, guys.