Monday, January 29, 2007

I didn't fall...

Hello, everyone... how's it goin? I had a pretty good weekend... got my apartment cleaned on Saturday and spent part of the day at school afterwards. Sunday I went ice skating on the canal... first time skating on outdoor ice. It was a blast... hope to go back this weekend for Winterlude. It's finally gotten cold and this weekend was the first weekend the canal was open... in fact, only a small part of it was actually open. It's been weaving around -10 Fahrenheit for quite a few days now and promises to stay. We don't have alot of snow but it's a might chilly outside.

By the way, to everyone who's bought me socks over the past few months, thank you! I haven't had cold feet yet. I love it.

Oh yeah, and the pictures are taken with my new camera! I finally bought a new digital camera... my first new camera! I love it! It's a Casio Xilim z60 or something like that. I got a good deal on it as it was last year's display model for a camera that was changed in this year's new models.

As for school, you can check on my studio project at

I'm having fun drawing but am otherwise pretty uninspired this semester. I'm using the opportunity to make something beautiful. I'm prepping a canvas for a painting on my studio wall... we'll see how it all goes. I'm trying to design a sculpture of a stair right now... check it out.

Well, I guess that's about it for now. I'll be posting on my studio website more than this one for awhile because I have to for class so keep an eye on the project if you're interested. And now, pictures of children...

(hi Janice... thank you for the scarf)

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

a man in a fur coat need not wear pearls...

My friend gave me these pictures she took of me the night of Carleton's annual Architecture party, Kosmic. For a long time I've wanted to have an excuse to go out in public in a fur coat and a cane. This party gave me the perfect excuse. I rented the coat, cane and boots from a local vintage store. The boots made a fanastic sound when I walked... I almost bought them.

yeah... that's me under all the hair

Monday, January 15, 2007

Oh so long since I wrote last...

Well, I've been home for a good couple of weeks now and am finally getting back in control of things. I got into town at 6:00 on the morning of the 3rd... the same morning school started... so I've been scurrying around trying to get things done I should have done at the break. A couple of loose ends to tie up still but I think ewverything's pretty much under control. School is a bit less than inspiring this semester but so it goes. I'm going to have to find my own motivation this seemster because I'm not going to be challenged by anyone else. Again, so it goes. I went to our annual architecture party this last Saturday and had a blast. It's a nice change to get out and play once in awhile. My friend and I (not the one in the picture) decided to go to a vintage store and rent clothes for the night. I rented cowboy boots, a full length fur coat and a cane. Awesome. I'll find more pictures and post thm eventually but for now this is the one I have. It was a great party... the students took over a local art gallery and transformed the building into a party filling 5 rooms spread across 3 floors with 400-500 people. It's a party they've been having since the 70's... it used to be good until the administration started harrassing the Architecture school for it. Now it's a big party... but not the same one that was once on David Letterman's top ten party list. Well, today I have research to do and a bit of sketching. Time to get to it. Cheers, everyone... oh yeah, and last night it started snowing. It's finally gotten cold here... better 2 months late than never, right? It dumped a good few inches of powder last night and it's still going pretty hard. Maybe it will stay this time... who knows.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Made it!

Hello everyone,

Well, I have survived and made it back home. I had no problems at all crossing the border last night thanks to all of the paperwork everyone rushed to me. Thank you to the nice ladies at school who put aside what they were doing on a very busy day to help me out. A HUGE thanks to my dear mother for her emotional and financial support. She had one of those excessively stressful days at work and yet still set aside time she didn't have to help get me home. Mom, you are awesome. I've learned a few important lessons... the first of which is to renew any perineal paperwork you may have way in advance so as to keep things like my latest adventure from happening. Thank you all so much for your support and assistance. It's 5:30 in the morning here... I'm going to lay down in my own bed and get a few hours of sleep before I have to go to school.