Monday, January 12, 2009

Can't find a job, but at least I have time to blog...

Well, no work today. This is becoming rather burdensome. I'm doing all I can but somehow I don't feel as though I'm giving it my all... mostly because I still don't have a job. Looking for a job for 2 months without success has a way of making you think you're doing something wrong. But I've got applications all over the place... I've applied for everything from CEO of Neuro-Rocket-Science Inc. to tool-holding assistant #2 for John Whazzisface Drywallers. Ok, I made that first one up... but how cool a job title would that be? Yeah, and I made up the second one, too. Anyway, I'm not distraught... just stressed out. It's hard looking for work in this climate. Trade wages have taken a big hit and I am constantly running across ads by unemployed construction workers who are terribly insulted by the pitiful wages being offered for work. There are a lot of unemployed tradesmen out there so it's going to be a matter of getting someone's attention on paper or in an email before you can ever meet them face to face. Bah... I hate looking for jobs. I've started branching out to look in retail... that's far less appealing to me than construction work for lots of reasons... but mostly because I hate the thought of having to sell anyone anything. I'm hoping to find someone looking for a night stocker but even those jobs seem oddly absent from the classifieds. I'm trying to get some art work together so maybe I can scrape a dollar or two out of those. It's not really a solid economic plan, more like I'm hoping I can make a little money off of my hobby... but finding a venue to show work period is almost impossible, not to mention trying to sell something once it's showing. My hope is to prepare three or four pieces to present to my local coffee shop and hope they'll hang them on their mostly blank walls. I've also been trying to convince myself to go downtown and stand on a corner playing harmonica. Not that busking would pay a bill, but it might keep me busy for awhile and get me enough money for a coffee. But that hasn't happened yet, either. I'm something of a coward when it comes to playing in front of people, still... much better than I used to be, but still not over it enough to stand on public and play for change. I sense that coming real soon.

But, all is well. I'm not lost to my despair... a job will come sooner than later. The weather will change in a couple of months. Life will go on and I'll make it through this, like everything else. At least I have Katy.