Monday, July 16, 2007

My letter to my Congresswoman

Please speak out! Say something... anything!

Name: Michael Parker
E-mail Address:
Street Address: 1050 20th St Apt 601
City: San Diego
Zip: 92102-6809


Ms. Davis, Why is the President being allowed to give you and the entire country the proverbial finger without repercussion? Congress has voted to withdraw from Iraq. They speak for the American people. Why is he allowed to continue on his selfish, arrogant, reckless, personally-chosen, faith-based course anyway?

The White House has been ordered to comply with investigations into the illegal firings of federal prosecutors. They have, again, given the proverbial finger. Why is this tolerated? Our government is exposed more and more by the day to be completely impotent against the faith-based power of Bush, Cheney and their minions.

You have been elected by a body of citizens to represent their interests in the doings of our government and you, along with the rest of the house and senate, are failing to represent the 70-ish percent of the country that vehemently oppose our president, his cabinet, his choices, his business dealings, his domestic policy, his foreign policy, his energy policy, his environmental policy, his education policy and his general failure of leadership, both at home and abroad.

Please, Ms. Davis, do what you were elected to do and represent the people. Find the group that is trying to represent the majority and join them, for the survey on your own site says that the majority of your constituents oppose our president.

Please, Ms. Davis, for the sake of anything you need to name - liberty, the Constitution, Christian values, democracy, freedom - take the power back from the man who is weilding it single-handedly against the wishes of those he is supposed to be serving. The whole nation is watching and waiting for someone to help us.