Monday, July 16, 2007

It's nation-scaring time again!

Congress has voted to require President Bush to begin withdrawing troops from Iraq within 120 days and to complete the withdraw by 1 April 2008. As soon as this happened:
  • Osama Bin Laden (who is in no way connected to either Iraq, Saddam Hussein or the war and yet is constantly paraded as the reason we are in Iraq) pops up in a new video.
  • US "intellligence" begins reporting that an attack on American soil is immenent (just like they've been falsely and irresponsibly reporting for 6 years now)
  • The media most closely associated with the White House begins reporting that the terror threat is higher and that attacks may happen within the next year. Again, the irresponsibility factor is off the charts on this one.
  • President Bush continues to ask Americans to "wait until September" to make a decision (a tactic which he has used innumerable times... "I just need more time... more time... more time")

I just want to put it in writing for your consideration. Do you see how all of these "coincidences" happen every time the American people begin to rally against the man in the White House who was not elected president either time he "won" the election? Do you see that they tailor their press releases and spread unsubstantiated information every time they are pressured to halt their illegal and immoral activites? Why September? Are we waiting for an annniversary attack? Are we waiting until September 11th is fresh in people's minds so that a new attack will have a redoubled media value? Are we waiting until it is too late to require this president to do anything? Are we waiting until it is too late to impeach him? Why are we waiting? Haven't we been waiting ever since he stood on the deck of an aircraft carrier in a flight suit under a banner that screamed, "Mission Accomplished!"?

We are being played for fools. Don't allow it this time. Contact your Congressmen and Senators! Write a note that says, "Enough, already!" it doesn't have to be eloquent, long or tedious. It just has to say that you are a tax payer and you are sick of this president not doing what is required of him by constitutional law! Tell them you want out of Iraq! Tell them you are tired of the lies! Hold your elected representatives responsible and accountable for the decisions they make! This must end now!