Monday, July 09, 2007

And then it was Monday (again)...

America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves. -Abraham Lincoln

Good morning. All is well here, if not a bit dull. It's not a complaint... not a bad kind of dull, I suppose. This morning is rather sleepy, though. I love taking the trolley too and from work in part because I can take naps. Amazing what a 5 minute nap on a trolley can do for you. Ah, power naps! Today I'm starting my morning with some wonderful coffee that Katy sent from back home. It's from Bridgehead, the neighborhood coffee shop I frequent. It's wonderful! Val, the lovely lady at work who makes the coffee, makes excellent coffee... but it's Starbucks and can't really hold a candle to Bridgehead. Personal, preferences and all being what they are, you know. Anyway... lazy, sleepy morning. Part of that probably has to do with the fact that I layed in bed for more than an hour trying to fall asleep last night. That almost never happens to me so it was particularly annoying. My thesis has been on my mind alot. I have a solid idea to begin with but can't seem to narrow it down into a researchable design question. They say you only understand something as well as you can explain it so I guess I have alot more research to do. That starts this week. I'll go to the library after work and hang out there for awhile. Today I think I'm going to read John Ruskin and William Morris. For now, though, I need to go to work.

Oh yeah, and I finished another painting... a big one for mom. I like it... I think. mom really likes it. That's the important part. It's called, You Are Here. Here's a video of it. Katy helped critique me through it. She's good like that. I can't wait to see her again. Ok, bye for real now.