Tuesday, April 25, 2006


I want to thank all of you for making this year
possible. I've reflected alot trying to decide if it
was irresponsibility that landed me in the pickle I
found myself in but realized that my ultimate back-up
plan all along has been my family and friends. I've
done everything I can to make this work but I knew in
coming here that if things got really bad, I would be
able to find support from my family. I was only able
to make it through this 8 months because of all your
help and I wish that I could give more in return than
simple words. After this, I will always know what it
is like to want... I will always know the true
definition of the word "need." Someday I will be able
to help someone out... that's the best thanks I can
offer. From the call for help my mom put out, I have
received enough money to live through May and part of
June. I can't thank you all enough. Your words of
encouragement, care packages, food and financial
support have meant the world to me as I sit up here
alone... and because you have helped, I have been able
to focus 100% on my studies and finish my first year
with flying colors. If you hadn't heard, I will be
receiving a full ride to school next year in the form
of a TA (teaching assistant) job and a small
scholarship. Thank you for helping me make it through
this rough spot... next year will be so much easier.

I handed in the last essay of the year and didn't
really know what to do with myself afterwards. It's
really an odd feeling when something consumes 20 hours
of your every day and then suddenly just stops. So I
came home to start hacking away at the mountain of
dishes, laundry, and clutter that have accumulated
over the past few weeks. Yeah... it's pretty bad.
I'm heavy into the job search and have applications
out everywhere. I am really hoping to hear something
from someone soon. I applied for 2 graphic design
jobs I found online tonight that I am very qualified
for... and they just put the ads up yesterday so
hopefully my timing will work out. I'll let everyone
know when I hear something. Because of the help you
all gave, I am no longer stressed about finding a job
since I have a month cushion now. Again, thank you.

If you're interested, my latest project is online here.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you all! It may have
been because I hadn't really slept for a few days
before she told me, but when mom shared the news that
help was on the way I cried... I can't remember ever
crying because I was happy. Thank you...