Friday, June 29, 2007

And so ends another week...

This has been a gloriously fast week. I've gotten into my routine now and the time is flying by. While I really enjoy myself here with my mother, I also really look forward to getting back to my own place in Ottawa and getting my thesis started. It's like waiting for a spanking when you're a kid... you know it's coming... you know it's going to hurt... you may or may not think you deserve it... but you wish your dad would stop screwing around and get it over with. The waiting is nerve-wrecking. I have a good idea [I think... and others agree] but I'm not sure where I'm going with it. Anyway... this past week I read most of Stephen King's Needful Things on the trolley to and from work. I should finish it tonight. By reccomendation, I think my next book will be either Crash by J.G. Ballard or Tropic of Cancer by Henry Miller. I'm trying to relax my mind with fiction but I'm also trying to read authors who write well in preparation for the 11,000 word paper I'm getting ready to have to birth. I'm hoping to expose myself to new writing styles and effective uses of prose so that my thesis doesn't read like a high school term paper on crack like oh-so-many other thesis papers read. If anyone has any recommendations I'd love to hear.

Last night I took my mom to see Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat at a small theatre on Coronado Island. We had a blast! It was a really fun show and the actors were very talented and very entertaining. Mom and I laughed outloud through quite a few acts. Then after we left, we stopped at a small shop for gellato before going home. It was a very fun night.

That's about the only exciting thing I've done this week. I've gone to watch the sunset from the top of Golden Hills a couple of times and I went out to Sunset Cliffs one night and watched the sun hit the water (I love that). Things are going well and I'm looking forward to the weekend. As for now, I need to get to work. Goodbye all... until next time.