Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

Some of the things for which I am thankful today:

One year ago today I was unemployed but now I have a good job that I enjoy.
Eleven months ago today I was roofing in the rain and snow for a total shithead but today I am working with wood indoors alongside people I actually like.
The fact that I live with a wonderful woman who cooks and bakes amazing food.
No studio projects.
(ergo) I slept last night.
I haven't gone hungry once this year.
I'm able to train jiu jitsu 3 times a week at an excellent school.
The information age.
My family are all happy and enjoying their respective lives.
Red wine.
The array of talents I have inherited/learned over the course of my life.
I am strong and in my prime.
Uncensored books.
My harmonicas.
The abundance of music amidst which I live.
My health.
My two architecture degrees.
Art. All of it.
All of the friends who named their kids after me. I have known no greater honor.
The world's slowly-opening mind.
My kitties.
Lunch... even if it is leftovers (they're from last night's fantastic dinner)
Opposable thumbs.

While many are waking this morning to wonderful food and the comforts of loved ones and holiday traditions, I packed my leftovers and coffee thermos and headed off to work as usual. Alas, there will be no Thanksgiving in Canada today. But that doesn't mean my heart's not in it. I just can't get used to celebrating Thanksgiving in October the way Canadians do. I hope you all have a wonderful turkey day and enjoy a relaxing break from work and your routines. And for God's sake, stay away from the stores tomorrow, will ya? With each participant, so called "black Friday" further solidifies its status as an actual holiday.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!