Sunday, February 08, 2009

Back to normal...

So I just finished my first full week of activity in what seems like way too-long a time. I spent Monday through Thursday installing windows on the third floor of the condos I was helping to frame before Christmas. That was tough work. Lots of lifting. Then Friday I volunteered on the Habitat for Humanity build site for the first time. That was a really good experience. There were about 8 people there and it was really relaxed. They have a build site about 40 minutes from here by public transit. They've been building since 1998 and they have, I believe, 16 units completed with another 15 or so to go. They've designed their buildings so that volunteers build structural panels and then those panels are later assembled into the house. They have a 3-ring binder with drawings of each individual panel, usually about a 6' section of wall. I worked with a retired gentleman named Dexter and a young Korean architecture student named Lin Su and we built two panels on Friday. Nice relaxed pace. Lots of help and instruction when you need it. Basically, we sat around and hammered nails for 7 hours with a couple of breaks in there. I look forward to going back. Then yesterday I went to my job at the framing shop. That's an easy gig, too. I just sit in the back of the shop and make frames. It's a pretty relaxed work environment, too. It was nice to have something to do all week. It's nice to get back outside. It's nice to have a routine... to have a reason to get out of bed in the morning... to have income!

So I was waiting to hear about hanging my art in our local coffee shop but it turns out they had told someone no before me so they had to be fair and say no to me, too. No big deal. A few different people have told me to check out posting my work on It's an online market for handmade items... art, vintage goods, etc. It looks like a good idea and I'll probably do it sooner or later. I've also decided this week to use my new skills in Flash to design an art website. I want a central repository for images of all my creative uselessness.

So today is my lone day off and I'm looking forward to it. We're going to go to the Salvation Army to look for a desk chair and then home to do a little cleaning. I've gotta do the shopping today and I want to get an art piece done. I have a whole new collection of pieces that I bought on Ebay and some others that I bought from a going-out-of-business watch repairman. I have 3 broken cuckoo clocks now! Excited for those. Ok... time to finish my coffee and get going. Bye all...