Sunday, February 15, 2009

Another week gone by...

Well, I've added a fourth job to my plate and managed to stay busy (and paid) for the week. Hoorah. I've been bouncing back and forth between two different construction jobs, though it seems (and I hope) that one of them will remain steady for a couple of weeks, at least. I still work on Saturdays at the framing shop and this is the second week that I've volunteered my Friday at the Habitat for Humanity build site here in Vancouver. That has been a really good way to spend my Fridays. It's alot of fun going to work on the project and it's very low stress. They like having me there because I more-or-less know what I'm doing and they don't have to keep such a close eye on my "team" (trans: me and one other guy). It has also put things into perspective for me... no matter how bad I think my life is getting or how hard I have to work to get by, I still have the luxury of enough extra time to volunteer for this build. It's a re-centering experience, among other things.

And the fourth gig I'm working at right now is a freelance writing job wherein I write descriptions of an artists paintings for his website. I'm being underpaid and having too much asked of me, but it's money so I'm there. I stay really, really busy now... went from zero work to 4 jobs in a matter of a couple of weeks. I'm grateful for all that I'm learning in my construction jobs and for the extra litte paycheck from the frame shop . I'm hoping to be able to convert all of this experience into a real job before too long. I'm trying to reformat my resume to start applying for full time construction jobs. I'm really getting a kick out of learning to build houses. I could see finding a career through this route as easily as through a design firm.

And as for Valentines, I think I had the best Valentines day I've ever had yesterday. I haven't told Katy in those words, but she'll find out when she reads this. I went to work for the day and she spent the day cleaning the house and planning a nice dinner. When I got home there was jazz playing and candles out on the coffee table and the house was so cleeeeean! (She even mopped! She's never mopped!) There were baked potatoes in the oven (perfectly timed to be ready with dinner, I might add) and she had bought some wild salmon and asparagus. FanTAStic meal! She bought me bath salts, a can of Coke (rare treat for us) and some chocolate and had me watch an episode of the Simpsons in a bath while she started dinner. After a thoroughly relaxing soak, I helped her finish dinner and we ate the most amazing meal. :) I still smile thinking about it. After dinner, we went on a walk through the neighborhood and came home to play dominoes and eat surprise dessert. And what was surprise dessert, you may ask? Check this out: anglefood cake topped with fresh strawberries, raspberries, and blackberries and a dollop of Cool Whip. Mmmmmmm... :) Katy has never had Cool Whip, however, and when she pulled it out to fix dessert, it was frozen. She was confused...
K: "But it was in the freezer at the store? Was I supposed to thaw it?"
M: "Let's see... the directions say step one is to thaw it out."
K: "Oh."
But we fixed that really quick and finished our night with a close game of dominoes that lasted until late and was within 20 points at the end. The Parkers are going to be so impressed when I bring her around.
Well, we've finished our Sunday morning coffee and are headed out to run some errands. It is beautiful outside and we're looking forward to getting out a little bit. Hope you're all well... have a good week.