Thursday, November 13, 2008

And so I will toil...

Today I went to my new part time job. I'm helping some guys finish framing a four story condo in the West End. I showed up and the boss, a guy about my age, took me to the roof and told me to start cutting boards to size with a circular saw. I spent the day cutting mostly, but did a few odds-n-ends things occasionally. It was a beautiful day today. Not a cloud all day as the sun rose from behind an adjacent condo tower and arced across the turbulent bay below to fall, in the end, behind Victoria Island across the bay. I worked outside and listened to rock and roll on the radio all day it wasn't too bad. Hard. But not bad. It felt good to be doing a good hard day's work. I haven't put a day in like that since the military. I know it will get old fast, and it'll be a different story when it's raining again. But it was a good first day. He can use me part time for the next couple of weeks. It puts some money in the bank and gives me a cushion while I continue to look for the next job. Man, recessions suck. But, so it goes...