Tuesday, August 19, 2008

more bad luck

I don't understand it. Vancouver is a nice place but there's just so much random theft. Katy started a new job today. We were really happy about it. On her first day, someone sneaked into the employee room and went through everyone's stuff, taking Katy's wallet, change purse, and phone. What jerks. As Katy put it, "why can't they be civilized about it like in Toronto? At least in Toronto, they take your money and leave you your life." So she had to cancel everything and we have to wait to buy her a new phone. She just got her bus pass and her student ID today. Gone. This sucks. What did we do to deserve all this? First Katy's computer, then my bike, now this. We like it here... but the random theft sucks. Sure makes it hard to settle into a place.


Stupid, stupid, jerks.

