Sunday, August 17, 2008

Apartment videos...

First look at our empty apartment...
I have to say that we had just driven for 12 hours through the mountains and were on edge as it was. Then the real estate lady took more than an hour to show up with our keys and when she got there she informed us that it was too late to move our stuff in according to condo rules and that we would have to wait until the next day. No fun. But we dealt with it.

Katy in a closet... I don't know why.

More of Katy in a closet... really, I didn't do it. She went in there on her own. I just film.

Out of the truck and into the middle of the living room... it's not even that much stuff but it sure looks like it.

First official tour...

To the Micals...

A look at Vancouver...

From Burrard Street Bridge...