Friday, May 02, 2008

Woodworkand Glasses and Cookies... Oh My!

Hi everyone,

Well, I'm finally getting pictures of my fantastic new glasses put online (sorry for the delay, mom, dad, and sis). Katy plotted with my family while I was in India and they all bought me new glasses that I needed oh-so-very badly! Also, I'll throw a couple of pictures up of my latest carpentry project. My director, Marco, hired me to do some custom trim work in his kitchen. It was a learning experience but a whole lot of fun. I didn't do the cabinets, but I did the trim and the backsplash boards. I'll get more complete pictures put up but this gives an idea of what I've been up to. Ok, going to Toronto with Katy for the night to see her folks then I'm coming home alone tomorrow to finish my thesis. Bye now.

P.S. (my version) Katy has been nagging me for more than a week (since the glasses came in) to put pictures online because she told my family she would. i finally had time today so here they are... not her fault.

P.S. (Katy's version... paraphrased) I am a big jerk and mean and lazy and it's about time I get these pictures up because my family will hate her but it's my big jerky jerkface fault and not hers. [Also included were such wonderful expletives as "jerkasaurus," "king of jerkdom," "jerkalufagus," and "jerky-the-jerkheaded-jerk-a-lump"]