Friday, August 10, 2007

Oh what a beautiful morning...

I don't have many wonderful days so I figured I might as well write while I'm in the middle of one. This morning I woke up early and got to work before anyone else. I enjoyed some quiet music as I made coffee and did some piddly work. A bit into my morning I received an email from the professor of a class that I am having a terrible headache getting into. Basically, he says I can take his class but his department says I don't meet the requirements. I've been having to consider taking a different course but there's nothing I really want to take. So the professor emails me and says not to worry and that he'll take care of it. He sends a copy of an email a bit later which he wrote to the department that gives me permission to take his class in no uncertain terms. Yes!

Then as people start to get to work, Bonnie comes to me at my desk and says, "Come take a look!" I followed her into the kitchen to find a pistachio cake with pistachio icing decorated with her first plumeria blooms of the season. So sweet! She also got me a present, a book called Design Like You Give a Damn: Architectural Responses to Humanitarian Crises. It's my last Friday and Bonnie will be gone next week for my last day on Thursday so I got an early surprise!

So here I sit at my desk enjoying breakfast cake and listening to a Douglas Adams book. What a wonderful morning!