Monday, July 03, 2006

They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. -Ben Frankiln

Another week gone by, another book read. I've finished Salem's Lot and started The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay. It came highly recommended to me... I hope it gets better because the first hundred pages or so just haven't done it for me yet. Its a Pulitzer winner too... I figure it has to get good eventually. Other than that I've just been working. I've spent a day or two down at the beach reading and I'm going to Mission Bay with Mom and Corey today to meet some people from work for a picnic/BBQ thing. Fun. I've been looking around with mom to find a new apartment for them to move into next month. Overpriced. I've been poking around trying to find an architecture competition or whatnot to enter else I fear my brain will atrophy. Bored. I went to the contemporary art museum downtown and saw a show by artists from Tijuana. There was some beautiful work there... alot of it politically motivated. It would seem America is infecting Mexico with tract housing and runoff poverty. Mexicans. I sat in La Jolla [pronounced hoya] cove last night for a few hours and watched the sun fall into the ocean. Kerplunk.

So enjoy your Independance Day. Remember that you are celebrating the day that our forefathers declared an end to the inhumanities and injustices laid upon us by a tyrant. Remember that you are celebrating a system that gives every citizen the power to come out from underneath the tyranny of evil men. Remember that you are being oppressed so subtley and so expertly, you are meant not to feel it and you may not... yet... but I assure you that your rights are being disolved and your privacy sold. Slowly, like a creeping cancer, you are not allowed to say certain words, to be certain places, to do certain things because it goes against what a small group of individuals think. And in order to insure that you are not saying, going, or doing those forbidden things you are being watched through cameras, things you buy are logged, the places your vehicle goes is recorded, the phone calls you make are traced and ther destination and duration reported. It is happening... I wish I had to make this up, but I don't.

Happy Independance Day everyone... peace!

Washing one's hands of the conflict between the powerful and the powerless means to side with the powerful, not to be neutral. -Paulo Friere