Sunday, September 07, 2008

Sunday coffee...

Hi all,
It's a beautful morning here in Vancouver... not a cloud in the sky. The winter rains haven't started yet so we get some really nice days still. Katy and I got up this morning and went to breakfast before she had to go to work for the day. She took on a part time job working retail on the weekends but school has proven too demanding so this is her last day working (yay!). It will be really nice to have her around on the weekends. We see each other every night... but we're so busy we don't really get to spend quality time together. I'll be glad to have her home again on the weekends. Being apart and having seperate lives actually makes us like each other more. Who'd have thunk it?Not alot happened this week... short work week was really welcome. My work environment continues to prove itself an invaluable stress reliever. We continue to slowly settle our way into the new apartment... though there's only so much we can do until we get furniture. I'm really tired of sitting on blankets on the floor... but I am grateful that we at least have blankets to put down. One of these days we'll be able to tell the "when we started we had milk crates for a dresser and blankets for a couch" story. Guess I should consider this time invested in a future story. I think today I'm going to do some design work I brought home with me and probably some cleaning here and there.. Nothing terribly exciting. It's nice to have aimless weekends. In fact, I'm going to continue my aimless Sunday by petting this purring kitty begging at my feet. Hope you all enjoy your week.