Monday, December 17, 2007

The day after yesterday...

Well, yesterday was the most fantastic display of divine weather prowess I've ever seen! So much snow! It's like a completely different landscape out there. I tried to go to school but only made it as far as katy's. We sat around all evening and did nothing. I played video games and she studied for her GREs (graduate readiness exams) that she's taking today as part of her grad school application process. Tonight I get to go to Thomas' house and give Nicholas his present. I've made my old wooden TV into a hamster cage for his hamster. Can't wait to show pictures. It's one of my favorite things I've ever made.
For now I'm going to go outside where it's white and sunny... the day after a blizzard is beautifuly charged and exciting. Everyone's in good moods. I guess it's the sunshine amplified by the reflection on the snow. Anyway, off to school to paint!