Thursday, October 05, 2006

I know mom taught me not to draw on walls but...

Hi everyone... thought I'd take a second to check in and say hi. Studio has been crazy busy so I've not had time to write lately. I've been working daily until 12:45am (last bus) and getting sleep every night. This past week I've slept at school twice because I was still getting alot of work done at 12;45. It's paying off though. I have a good project and alot of work done... not enough still but much more than anyone else. My profs like the way I work, design and draw. I've been told I have alot of potential and talent but my hand is heavy and clumsy. Tom Dubacanek (prof) is working on fixing that. I've also been told my designs are clever. Really nice to hear. Another student in studio said the other day that he admired my work ethic. That was also a nice compliment. In all, my work is progressing well but far from done. I am working on my 10th or 11th drawing. I have to design a building today so I can start a model tomorrow. This weekend is Canadian Thanksgiving so we've got Monday off... that means an extra day in studio. Yay. So it goes...

Okay, so every semester I take off on some random act of creativity so that I can get all the excess out of my system and sit down to draw lines more effectively. Last year I made the fish. This year I'm doing a mural. Here's my latest scribbling. The people are life-sized... the larger one in grey and blue is my director, Marco, and the one next to him with the shotgun and bottle of wine is Tom. The other collection of random people/squirrels is an evil robot army. It sits on the wall opposite Marco and Tom. It's not done... soon. The mural is in a pit next to the front door of the architecture building. The pit houses stairs that go down to the tunnels. Ok, here are the pictures... gotta get to work.

The original "evil robot army"

This is the current state of the "evil robot army"

Tom (left) and Marco (right)

Jerry Bears marching up the stairs

Jerry Bears as seen from above - that is an older version of Marco at the bottom corner