Friday, December 11, 2009

Let me introduce you to Thunderous Charles the Bus Thrower

So this year I participated in a 4000 person worldwide Secret Santa set up by a few of the users on  I won't divulge what I sent to my giftee, as it is still in transit, but today I received my gift and it is so amazing I thought I'd share with you all.  It all starts with a box lid... (bonus points for presentation!)

Click on picture for larger image...

And inside the sea of pleasant blue tissue paper I found...

Thunderous Charles the Bus Thrower!!!

An evil robot in my house?  Yeah, he was bound to run into the natives eventually.

If you want to check out more of this guy's really impressive work go to and have a look around.  He sells these robot sculptures on if anyone is still looking to buy me a Christmas present!  Thunderous Charles needs friends! (or archenemies??)

My most joyous thanks to Skeletonhat for the gift!  What a way to start my Christmas season!  This thing has me so excited I've been using exclamation points after everything tonight!  I never do that!