Sunday, August 09, 2009

And now a word from the Internets...

I regularly cruise a social news site called Reddit. Mostly, people find interesting things online and then post links to them. There is a section, though, where you can post questions and let the Reddit community answer in the comment sections. You get a diverse range of replies, ranging from the brilliant to the idiotic, but reading with a careful eye, there is a wealth of information to be found.

Today I came across this question in Reddit, which I wish I would have thought to ask long ago. There are some malicious lies floating around talk shows, email forwards, and water cooler conversations. This post eals with several of those. I encourage you to hop over and read some of the replies. A couple of them are quite well researched and worded.

"Reddit, my dad just sent me this email forward about health care. It's wildly inaccurate and misleading, and my entire family believes this stuff. How should I respond to them?"

Let the idealogues spew their nonsense and lies all day long, but don't think for a second that politics is not a prime motivator in this health care debate. Republicans see an opportunity to stop Obama's plans and make him unpopular, thus opening the door for their next presidential candidate to fare better. They are pretty open about that.

America is the 4th richest nation in the world but has a health care system that the World Health Organization ranks behind 36 other countries. And our nation's overall health? Ranked thirty-fourth by the WHO.

Fourth richest.

Thirty-seventh best health care.

Thirty-fourth best overall health.

Please take a few minutes to write your congressperson and ask them to put a stop the politicking and deal with our broken health care system.