Friday, February 01, 2008

Sometimes I can't think of a good title for my posts

Hi everyone. I'm alive. Things have kicked into high gear finally. I don't know if I said that before now but if so, I didn't know what I was talking about. What am I doing these days? Well, I have a paper I'm trying to write for my political theory class, I have a major pinup in 2 weeks for which I have to have a model and several more drawings completed, plus 15 pages of my thesis, I am doing some woodwork for my director as a side project, I am trying to compile a new portfolio for a job interview next week, and I am trying to complete a few grant application packages to see if i can get a travel grant to go to India in March. I think that's all the big stuff. Life is good, though, and I'm enjoying my many tasks. It's nice to be really, really busy again. Gives me a sense of overwhelming purpose. Hard to believe I'm working towards the end... and I mean THE end! Ok, except maybe a PhD.... and maybe another degree down the road. But for now, this is to be the end of a seven year journey. I feel that I am really blooming in this architecture project and have reached a gratifyingly mature level of understanding about architecture, buildings, design, theory, and teaching. That said, I can't wait to be done with this.
The cats are fat and happy. Katy is doing well at school and (I think) enjoying herself. Thomas received tenure a couple weeks ago, which basically means he was given a lifetime job by the university, if he so chooses (which he does). A fantastic accomplishment for him! I and his family couldn't be more proud of him.
It's been snowing all day long... dumped a foot on us. It's good skiing snow, or so I am told. The streets are a desolate, white blanket... it's strange not being able to tell the street from the sidewalk. I love it. As for now, Katy just called and invited me to a friend's house down the street so I think I'll brave the snow and go see her. We've been really busy and haven't seen each other in a few days. Here goes nothing...