Next, a prank I built at school at 3:00 one morning.
Long time no write. Life has overrun me, it would seem. Much has happened in the last couple of months. The holidays went over easy enough and I hit the ground running in school come January. I worked my ass off for the past couple of months and am producing so much work that I think some of the other grad students are getting a bit worried that I'll make them look bad. Heh... love it. So this past week we had a review and it went great. The critic really got behind my work and we had a good talk about the direction the work is going. Mostly, he was excited because I've arranged an opportunity to go to Mumbai, India! I found a design workshop being held in the largest slum in Asia, two blocks from my site. I've been invited to attend this one week workshop where an international team of designers, engineers, humanitarians, artists, anthropologists, etc. will get together to envision a potential future for the development of this slum (to oppose the condos planned for the site). It's an amazing opportunity and I sought and was awarded grant funding to cover my plane ticket. I'll be in Mumbai for the workshop from March 14th through the 24th and then I have booked my flight home out of Delhi... 800 miles away. I have given myself a week and a half to wander India and reach Delhi and I fly out April 1st. I have never been more excited or more nervous about a trip. The first week will be spent with a large group but the next week and a half I'm on my own. Maybe I'll find someone to travel with or maybe I'll get some serious alone time. Either way will be amazing.
This next week, however, is Canadian Spring break... which they call Reading Week because they have no Spring. Katy and I and 2 friends are going to Quebec City, the oldest city in Canada... and I think maybe N. America. Katy and Gill found a good deal on a B&B and we're going to cram into Gill's tiny car to save on tranportation. I'm looking forward to it. I had a big crit yesterday that went fanTAStic
and I worked really, really hard to get ready for it. I think I've slept in my bed twice in the past week... maybe once. So now I get a real vacation Monday morning. It will be cold but nice. Most people take Reading Week and go somewhere warm... not us. It will be cold but it will be beautiful. I'm glad to be getting a little travel in. In fact, two days after returning from India I will turn 30. A month later I will finish my master's degree. Pretty good year, I'd say.
Ok, I need to get another grant application letter written today and do some serious cleaning before I leave for Quebec tomorrow. Enjoy your day and revel in the warm sunshine... it's -25 Celsius here with 2 feet of snow on the ground. Talk to you soon...
Now some harmonica... enjoy!