Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Goin crAAAAAAAAAAAzy at 4am!

Just a peek at what I've been doing for the past 16 hours...

For Kojeve, the fundamental characteristic of man is his desire for recognition by another. Animals desire what they lack in terms of object (i.e. food) but only man can desire to become the object of another’s desire, or in other words, to desire desire. “Man’s humanity ‘comes to light’ only in risking his life to satisfy his human Desire – that is, his Desire directed toward another Desire.” [Kojeve 9] Man’s desire to be the object of others’ desires is simply the desire to be recognized by another human. For Kojeve, this recognition can only occur after and because of a fight. Two men must desire to be recognized so much so that they suppress their animal desire for survival and are willing to risk their lives to fulfill their human desire; that is to be recognized by the other.