Morning everyone... I had a decent weekend and am trying to get myself in gear to get some work done. The upside of being burnt out is that I haven't really been to school for the past three weekends... the downside... well, I'll get back to you on that after grades are posted. Went out for St. Pat's on Friday with all of the architecture folk. I've saved enough food money by eating cheap and getting groceries at the food bank that I had an extra $20 to go out on. Turns out that's enough if you haven't slept in a couple of days or eaten more than a bagel that day. Good times. Yesterday I splurged a few more bucks and went to see a movie... in a theater! It's been months since I've been to a movie. I went to see
V for Vendetta and I
highly recommend that you see it. It's a fantastic movie! As for today, I figure once I get the rest of the dishes done (I've at least done
something productive this morning), some laundry put away and my apartment cleaned up I'll head to school to do some work.
As for my new hope, I am reading this morning that the world-over, tens of thousands of people took to the streets in cities across the globe to voice their objection to America's flagrant disregard for human rights, civil rights, and what is generally referred to as common decency. It actually moved me that our government has inspired the world to come together as one... albeit against us. As frightening a thought a it may be, every major cultural change in human civilization has happened by way of conflict and our country just may provide that conflict - that enemy - which changes things for the better this time. It takes something bad to make people want to change to good. It's hard to think of our country as the "bad guys," but if you ask someone outside of the great plains, we are.

I was walking down the street the other day thinking about the day World War II ended and the pictures I've seen of the
celebrations that took place. I was saddened that we will never get to celebrate the end of this "war" because it's
not real and will never end as long as the government continues to tells us it is real. I want to celebrate the end of a war. I want to take to the streets with thousands of other people overjoyed that the senseless killing has ended. We will never get that opportunity, I'm afraid, because we're not really at war. "Terrorism" has existed since long before modernity and always will. "Terrorism," before the White House got ahold of the term, has been a term used by larger forces to describe smaller forces' guerilla actions against them. It's a political term... that's all. It's nothing new guys. We are not at war, we are in a fight... that we started. I'm not saying there aren't people out there who want to hurt Americans. I'm not saying that there aren't people killing my brothers overseas. I'm saying that your government has spent trillions of dollars... let's do that again, but in bold print...
trillions of dollars to
create a conflict. The only chance I have of taking to the streets will be when this fascist US regime is overthrown. Problem is, I'm afraid the rest of the celebrants will be inside watching TV and I'll be out there alone. Mark my words, I will dance in the streets if this evil is removed from power. I will yell and shout and scream in joy the same way they did when WWII ended... I'll be looking for you.