I've been at school alot lately... brain gets kinda mushy so you need to excercise it sometimes. This week I painted a painting to put in an art auction. It's called
03/03/06 - Today I found Jesus in my paint pan. It really is a paint pan with black ink spot. The other is a mannequin head we've been working on in studio for awhile. It has a note that used to say "So Lonely, So Bored" but now has "Architecture is Great!" scratched over the old note in marker. The note's held on by two glue-filled syringes and a masonry nail. I don't know exactly how the balloon ended up in his eye but so it goes. We're having open house for high school kiddies later today so I slipped it into the show amongst all the other of this school's "finest." Heh heh... Wonder how long it'll stay? Anyway, it's been another long week... long weekend to come. I have mid-project reviews today and have alot of drawing to do before then so I'm off to finish that. Until next time...
03/03/06 - Today I Found Jesus in My Paint Pan
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a r c h i t e c t u r e