"That [withdrawl], of course, is an objective. And that will be decided by future presidents and future governments of Iraq."
-G.W. Bush, 21 March 2006
Today George Bush finally admitted that he has no withdrawl plan and that our troops will be something for "future presidents and future governments of Iraq" to deal with. Not that this comes as a surprise to any of you, but I wanted you to be aware so that this one doesn't fall through the cracks like the rest of this administration's lies and deceit.
This year you will all be faced with congressional elections in your area. Please pay attention to these elections. Bush is only empowered because the majority of the government, essentially, plays for his team. WE MUST PUT A MORE RESPONSIBLE MAJORITY IN POWER! Don't pay too close attention to the empty words spouted by both sides. Pay attention to what that person has been doing for the past 6 years. If you have ANY questions about a person running in your district, please write me and I will put together whatever research on them I can. You all have your own concerns, your own personal values, and your own desires for who you would like to see lead our country so the best thing I can do for my country at this point is help my family and friends make their own informed decisions. Please, I beg you, vote and know who you are voting for.