Friday, March 27, 2009
One year anniversary of my trip to Goa...
Hard to believe it, but it's already been a year since my trip to India. I was so happy a year ago from today... exploring Dharavi and Mumbai with the Urban Typhoon workshop, relaxing on the beach in Goa with friends and wandering around Delhi with my friend, Sulai. While we were in Goa, I broke out a sketch book and about 8 of us spent an entire night drawing (and drinking). I promised everyone I'd scan and post the images when I returned to Canada and I did... though it has taken me a year to do so. But here they are for all to see. The first dozen or so I drew while at the beach but the rest are the scribblings of a group of creative folk trapped in a washed out campsite in the forest with nothing to do. There was some really awful warm beer that night but then I remembered the bottle of Johnnie Walker I had in my bag for just such an occasion! We sat around talking nonsense and doodling the same... good times. For those who were there, that trip to Goa was one of my fondest memories. Hope time has treated you all well... cheers, guys.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Couple of songs...
Nothing special... I've just been in the mood to record songs lately. Gives me something to do between writing resumes and crying. Not really the crying part, though.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Sorry... had to get that text scream out. I got a call from worker's comp today saying my boss was fighting my claim. The guy read me my boss' [almost completely false] statement and asked for my response. I responded, though I was so taken aback by my boss' blatant lying that I almost couldn't put sentences together. But I managed to get through it without losing form and without cursing. I managed to only use the word "lie" once. Luckily for me, the arbitrator said it sounds like a pretty straight-forward deal and that my boss' objection holds no water. This part should be resolved soon. Now I still have to get my paycheck from him. He emailed to ask for my info last Thursday and said he would be mailing a check but it is next Thursday already and... guess what?... no check! I called [and left a message] to give him fair warning that I expected my check by Friday or I would take action. I'm not sure what to do... I can't really afford to front small claims court costs, even if he does have to pay them back in the lawsuit. And what if I file the claim on Monday and the check arrives Tuesday? Any advice anyone? How long should I wait to file a claim in small claims court to recover unpaid wages? The check was due on the 31st. This is such a headache. Anyway, at least I'll be getting my worker's comp from this. That's something, right?
Things are looking uP!
Today I received another rejection letter... but this time it was a physical piece of paper! And it was hand-signed by the principle of the firm! Normally I get an email from a secretary.
Best rejection yet.
Best rejection yet.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
A chance...
Today 4 firms advertised architecture jobs I am qualified for. Pray, wish on a star, throw a coin in a fountain, pass on a chain letter... whatever you do for luck, I could use some of it.
Ah, Jiu Jitsu!
I got back in the gym yesterday and started training Jiu Jitsu again. Really feels good to be active. Katy is wonderful for keeping on me about getting back in the gym... not for aesthetics' sake, but for my health and mental well-being. Still no word on jobs but at least I have something to distract me a bit.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
at a loss...
Just not sure what to do. I've slipped into a pretty hefty depression with everything that's going on. My old boss is still dodging my calls so I went to a payphone to call and he answered. As soon as I said my name he hung up. He's skipping out on a $500 paycheck he owes me. I'm thinking of small claims court but am not sure if it's worth it. I'd rather just... well, perhaps that's better left unsaid. I volunteered an extra day at Habitat today. What else was I going to do? I'll go tomorrow, too. At least I'm of some use there. Next week's job hunting strategy is boiling down to wearing a sandwich board on the side of the road during morning rush hour. It will say:
That would be funny if I weren't seriously considering it.
Graduate architect
Construction experience
Want to design/ build green
...or any work will do.
Construction experience
Want to design/ build green
...or any work will do.
That would be funny if I weren't seriously considering it.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Something besides complaining
Maybe we can use this internet thing for good, too. I've got alot of resumes floating around out there and there are a few I'd like to follow up on but I'm not too sure how. One suggestion (my favorite) was to put m face on a cake and send it to them. I've looked into that and can't find anywhere in Vancouver to do it for me. I thought about designing (and making) an architectural cake and sending along an accompanying computer model of it. Yes, I have that much time to think of these things, but alas, no, I have no baking skills. Anyway, I'd be interested to hear an of your ideas on clever ways to follow up on a resume in an overcrowded market. You can email me or leave a comment on this post.
Addendum to an ode...
Got a note from someone confused about my joblessness. Yes, I was working construction but about 2 weeks ago I got hurt at work because my boss was in such a hurry that he let safety slip. Not that unsafe work conditions aren't the norm working for this guy, but this time I happened to get caught [in the head... with a 2x12] and had to take off a week of work for a neck and back injury. Well, I guess I'm being fired for filing a worker's comp claim. Technically, he hasn't fired me... he just refuses to answer his phone. I am left to assume I'm fired because the first thing he did when I got hurt was try to talk me out of filing a claim. And then he followed that by dodging me for four days while I talked to his answering machine about getting a check he owed me. Classy guy. So no, I'm no longer employed. And my backup has no work, either.
But on a good note, I got enough from my tax refund this year that we're going to be okay for April. And maybe I'll get to volunteer an extra day at Habitat this week.
Hey, it's something, right?
But on a good note, I got enough from my tax refund this year that we're going to be okay for April. And maybe I'll get to volunteer an extra day at Habitat this week.
Hey, it's something, right?
Ode to my life this week...
Oh life,
my life,
how do I hate thee?
Let me count the ways.
Another nine resumes mailed out today.
And as history shows,
I may receive one reply
Telling me thank you for my interest,
But no thanks.
Ah, but chin up!
They will keep my resume on file
For three months!
San Diego?
Complications have arisen that make that far less viable an option.
Who wants to live next to the ocean anyway?
They don't pay well enough,
That I would ever be able to afford to leave again.
Who wants to live so far from the ocean anyway?
Life makes me want to curse and cry.
Where's the que for that job?
my life,
how do I hate thee?
Let me count the ways.
Another nine resumes mailed out today.
And as history shows,
I may receive one reply
Telling me thank you for my interest,
But no thanks.
Ah, but chin up!
They will keep my resume on file
For three months!
San Diego?
Complications have arisen that make that far less viable an option.
Who wants to live next to the ocean anyway?
They don't pay well enough,
That I would ever be able to afford to leave again.
Who wants to live so far from the ocean anyway?
Life makes me want to curse and cry.
Where's the que for that job?
Friday, March 06, 2009
this sucks
Another long day spent writing cover letters to firms who will never bother replying... searching for jobs that aren't advertised... and futiley looking for a way to improve my situation in the slightest. Adult life is a crock of shit. No wonder all of my friends were in such a hurry to have kids. At least it gave them something to do. Not me, thanks. Work for the sake of working... the only part worse than that is that I can't even find work for the sake of working. I can't find a way into the trades because you have to have a vehicle to get 90% of the construction jobs I've come across and I can't get a reply out of the other 10%. I've applied for jobs via email, via written letter, via hand delivery... nothing works. I'm about to the point of standing by the road during morning rush hour wearing a sandwich board that says "Starving architect looking for sustainable work". Yeah, I chuckle a little typing that... but the reality is that I'm pretty close to that level of desperation.
Are you kidding me?
Are you kidding me?
Just a quick note because I am so perplexed as to what is happening in the States right now. For eight years, it has almost been criminal to criticize the White House. Journalists have been run out of town on a rail for daring to report on questionable activities in our government. We've been hearing that it's not okay to second guess your government in a time of war, if ever at all.
But now somehow things are different? Now the conservatives are openly calling for the failure of the US government? Journalists are adopting fiery Southern Baptist evangelical tones in their venomous, often unintelligible rants against a man who's making changes they don't like to a system they helped break for no less than eight years. For crying out loud, Fox News is blatantly seeding the idea of a civil war against the government! To say I am stunned would be unspeakably understated. This is no longer politics. This isn't about morals, principles or values. This is tribalism at its purist. This is a case of 'your team vs. mine' and it's accepted in a nation of people addicted to the concept of one team vs. the other. Oooh! The intrigue! The suspense! The drama! The hostility of it all! What a shameful face America's media outlets have taken on in the first two months of a new presidency. Two months!!! I've heard all the excuses ranging from, "Well, for eight years you've wanted us to be harder on government and I think you're right," to, "This man is a card-carrying communist who's going to turn America into a Socialist nation and America was founded to fight Socialism!" Is anyone falling for this line of filth? I have to believe so, as reports have it that Fox News' ratings are up 29% along with the new administration. How shameful. Just uterly and inexplicabley shameful. There are a great many Americans who did not like the electing of Barrack Obama, for whatever reason. But why bully the Americans via our airwaves into opposing him now? He's president! He has a job to do! There is no bipartisanship coming from the other side of the table... every attempt at bipartisanship by Obama's team has met with stonewalled failure. And now, two months into a new leadership style, a new vision, and a new plan, those who disagree are turning the game dirty again, just like they did when Clinton won the presidency. I'm... aw screw it.
It's good to question and to investigate and to hold our government accountable. But this has already gone too far. Shouldn't we let them get started first? We've picked this guy, Obama, to run a leg of this marathon for us. And yet we're heckling him off the line. Hell, we're doing more than heckling... we're pushing and shoving and tying his shoelaces together. The ultra-conservatives have destroyed the Republican name and are now stifling a Democratic president because he wants to balance the books, take proportionally from all Americans, ensure good health for all Americans, and heal a system that has been maimed and disfigured for too long.
I thought things were going to get better with new leadership, but instead, those who have been on the defensive for eight years have just switched to a blistering offense. This is insane. It's childish. It's irresponsible. It's dangerous. And anyone playing along with it deserves a karmic dropkick to the head.
Just a quick note because I am so perplexed as to what is happening in the States right now. For eight years, it has almost been criminal to criticize the White House. Journalists have been run out of town on a rail for daring to report on questionable activities in our government. We've been hearing that it's not okay to second guess your government in a time of war, if ever at all.
But now somehow things are different? Now the conservatives are openly calling for the failure of the US government? Journalists are adopting fiery Southern Baptist evangelical tones in their venomous, often unintelligible rants against a man who's making changes they don't like to a system they helped break for no less than eight years. For crying out loud, Fox News is blatantly seeding the idea of a civil war against the government! To say I am stunned would be unspeakably understated. This is no longer politics. This isn't about morals, principles or values. This is tribalism at its purist. This is a case of 'your team vs. mine' and it's accepted in a nation of people addicted to the concept of one team vs. the other. Oooh! The intrigue! The suspense! The drama! The hostility of it all! What a shameful face America's media outlets have taken on in the first two months of a new presidency. Two months!!! I've heard all the excuses ranging from, "Well, for eight years you've wanted us to be harder on government and I think you're right," to, "This man is a card-carrying communist who's going to turn America into a Socialist nation and America was founded to fight Socialism!" Is anyone falling for this line of filth? I have to believe so, as reports have it that Fox News' ratings are up 29% along with the new administration. How shameful. Just uterly and inexplicabley shameful. There are a great many Americans who did not like the electing of Barrack Obama, for whatever reason. But why bully the Americans via our airwaves into opposing him now? He's president! He has a job to do! There is no bipartisanship coming from the other side of the table... every attempt at bipartisanship by Obama's team has met with stonewalled failure. And now, two months into a new leadership style, a new vision, and a new plan, those who disagree are turning the game dirty again, just like they did when Clinton won the presidency. I'm... aw screw it.
It's good to question and to investigate and to hold our government accountable. But this has already gone too far. Shouldn't we let them get started first? We've picked this guy, Obama, to run a leg of this marathon for us. And yet we're heckling him off the line. Hell, we're doing more than heckling... we're pushing and shoving and tying his shoelaces together. The ultra-conservatives have destroyed the Republican name and are now stifling a Democratic president because he wants to balance the books, take proportionally from all Americans, ensure good health for all Americans, and heal a system that has been maimed and disfigured for too long.
I thought things were going to get better with new leadership, but instead, those who have been on the defensive for eight years have just switched to a blistering offense. This is insane. It's childish. It's irresponsible. It's dangerous. And anyone playing along with it deserves a karmic dropkick to the head.
Things are getting a bit shaky on the job front up here again and Katy and I have been considering sending me back to the States to find work. That is, until this morning when I found out the US jobless rate has now hit 8.1%, the highest it's been since 1983. Wow. 651,000 new jobs were lost recently to bring this number so high. Looks like going back to the States is no way to escape joblessness. When will this end?
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
Sorry, no refunds...
I find it hard to write on my blog lately because I'm never quite in the mood. Today I just feel very resigned. I'm really at a loss for what to do. Inevitably things will work out, but they haven't yet and it's getting frustrating. I'm working a shitty job for a shady guy in a shabby market. This just ain't no fun. I'm still sending out resumes, though. I found a sustainable design center today and will start sending resumes out to some names I got from there. It'd be great if I could get in on the green market. Here's to hoping...
Anyway, I haven't posted a harmonica video in awhile so I figure I'd throw one up. It's five minutes of your life you'll never get back, but it gets good for about 30 seconds somewhere around the 3:20 mark. Oh yeah, turn your volume down first. It might be kinda loud.
When all else is dark, I'll always have my Katy and my harmonica. What else do I really need?
Anyway, I haven't posted a harmonica video in awhile so I figure I'd throw one up. It's five minutes of your life you'll never get back, but it gets good for about 30 seconds somewhere around the 3:20 mark. Oh yeah, turn your volume down first. It might be kinda loud.
When all else is dark, I'll always have my Katy and my harmonica. What else do I really need?
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