Otherwise, we're just trying to get settled in... you know, find our new coffee shop, bakery, grocery store, etc... explore, explore, explore! The weather has been nice and has only rained for a few of the days we've been here... it rains all winter, though, from what I'm told. We're preparing ourselves for that. Last night, Katy and I went downtown to celebrate my new job. We locked our bikes up to a steel railing at a busy intersection and went in to eat. When we came out, my bike was gone. They simply cut the lock (yes, on a busy street) and walked away with it... left the lock for me, even. It was a bummer. Luckily, Katy found a Craigslist add for a guy with a used bike and I bought a cheap bike this morning and a lock that was a bit more than the bike. This is the second time I've had a bike stolen... it won't happen to me again. I have to be building up some karma points somewhere with this. So we got over that tragedy quickly... and now we both have good [read: expensive] bike locks.
Well, that's about it for now. I'll throw some pictures and videos up now. Until next time...
Ok, I've posted videos on a different page so this one doesn't laod too slow. To see trip videos click here.
*Look closely at the back of this trailer. You might have to click on the picture to blow it up.
More photos later... Mountains and Vancouver yet to go!