Hi all,
Well I'm coming to the close of my second week at work and I must say work is good. It seems my boss and the senior guy there really like my work. They just tossed me some drawings and said, "Here, design this." I've done a small 450 sq ft cottage and some details that they have the general idea for but ask me to design the particulars of. Today I designed a wall to hide a heating register. Tomorrow I will detail a set of stairs. It's not glamorous, but they seem to really like what I come up with. It seems like they're impressed with how fast I picked up the computer program since I've never used it before (3 days). They are pleased/surprised with how fast I work. They are pleased with the ideas I have for their work. It's a really relaxed environment... small office with usually a half dozen people in there working. I sat with the boss a couple days ago and he critiqued my cottage design and worked through it with me. He liked it and we spent an hour or so tweaking some details. I think he likes the way I think about design. In fact, he told me as much in the interview a few times. So I churned out a 3d model for him and sent him some images to use in a meeting with the client and the marketing consultants. He came back to me today and told me I did a good job and that the design and drawings I did worked really well. The boss liked it, the client seemed to like it (never can tell), and the marketing people really liked it. It was a small congratulations but it felt good, nonetheless. Like I said, it's not glamorous, but it's a great environment for me to work in and it's a satisfying job. I actually get to sit around all day and design... cool.
So tomorrow I will go in for a Friday that will likely end with someone bringing a sixer of beer at about 3:00. We'll sit and ride out the working day with a cold bottle at our desk. Last Friday was fun. Tomorrow ought to be, too. This weekend Katy starts school with some orientations and whatnot. She enjoys her new job which is sure to keep her busy between studio and class. She's getting over the latest theft. I have to do some bike maintenance and there's the ritual Saturday cleanup. I like weekends now. They actually mean something... free time! Okay... off to read myself to sleep. Hope all is well with you and yours.
Oh yeah, I've been meaning to give our new address to you all for awhile now...
#208-2851 Heather St.
Vancouver, BC
v5Z 0A2
That's sad.