Hello, everyone... how's it goin? I had a pretty good weekend... got my apartment cleaned on Saturday and spent part of the day at school afterwards. Sunday I went ice skating on the canal... first time skating on outdoor ice. It was a blast... hope to go back this weekend for Winterlude. It's finally gotten cold and this weekend was the first weekend the canal was open... in fact, only a small part of it was actually open. It's been weaving around -10 Fahrenheit for quite a few days now and promises to stay. We don't have alot of snow but it's a might chilly outside.
By the way, to everyone who's bought me socks over the past few months, thank you! I haven't had cold feet yet. I love it.
Oh yeah, and the pictures are taken with my new camera! I finally bought a new digital camera... my first new camera! I love it! It's a Casio Xilim z60 or something like that. I got a good deal on it as it was last year's display model for a camera that was changed in this year's new models.
As for school, you can check on my studio project at www.syntheticstare.blogspot.com
I'm having fun drawing but am otherwise pretty uninspired this semester. I'm using the opportunity to make something beautiful. I'm prepping a canvas for a painting on my studio wall... we'll see how it all goes. I'm trying to design a sculpture of a stair right now... check it out.
Well, I guess that's about it for now. I'll be posting on my studio website more than this one for awhile because I have to for class so keep an eye on the project if you're interested. And now, pictures of children...
(hi Janice... thank you for the scarf)