So Bush's top advisor, Karl Rove, is stepping down from his post to oversee midterm elections throughout the country. His replacement? Joel Kaplan, former White House Deputy Budget Director. Why is this news-worthy? Do you remember the 2000 riots in Dade County, Florida during the election recount? They were termed the "Brooks Brother Riots." Republican officials were sent on all-expense paid vacations to Florida with instructions to "shut it [the recount] down." Yeah... Kaplain was there. He was caught on film with several other top Republican officials when news camera crews filmed what was hapening. Here is a good recap of the story.
So that's right, ladies and gentlemen, your corrupt government just keeps on getting more currupt! The White House has given a top level job to someone who helped start a riot that caused 10,750 votes to be thrown out in an election that was factually stolen. There is no doubt. There is no guessing. Courts, legal analysts, and everyone but the current administration has come out and verified the factual evidence that proves that the 2000 election was stolen through evil, dirty, underhanded tricks like starting riots so votes would be thrown away.
Short of telling you how I want you to vote, I URGE you to pay attention to these things when you vote! Your congressman is what gives these charlatans the power they have! The Republican party has more money. That's a fact. Their campaigns will be [already are from what I've been reading] FILLED with LIES. The Republicans know they are going to have a difficult time getting elected so they are beginning to call for investigations of gas price fixing, yell and scream from their ivory towers about immigration, fake trying to sound candid at interviews, etc. IF WE AS A NATION ELECT A DEMOCRATIC CONGRESS THEN BUSH WILL NOT HAVE FREE CONTROL OVER YOUR RIGHTS, YOUR FREEDOMS, AND YOUR LIFE THAT HE HAS BEEN EXCERCISING IN THE NAME OF "FREEDOM" FOR SIX YEARS NOW! Please trust me and at least look into it if you can't just take my word. I understand that. But look into it! You are being led by liars, thieves, and morally corrupt individuals who have committed more unlawful acts against the world than most of the people who went on trial at the Nuremburg Trials after WWII! You believe in freedom? Well you don't have it but they are making you think you do. Be free! Investigate! Think! Act! PLEASE!