Saturday, January 07, 2006
My agenda...
If you haven't noticed by now, my website is frequented with news on political happenings in the US. I am not trying to manipulate your political views. What I hope is that you, my family and friends, know that I don't feed you bullshit. What I hope is that you look at my site and the issues I feel worth taking time to discuss and think for a moment about how you feel in regards to that issue. I provide links as often as possible to stories from various media sources that show you where I learn my facts. I encourage each and every one of you to post comments. I want to encourage discussion here... that's what a blog is for. My mother recently told me that she thinks about her political decisions more because of the things I tell her. That's what I want... I don't want to control your political choices, rather, I want to motivate you to learn, to research, and to find out what the facts are before you make decisions that affect millions of human beings. Since American businesses have spread to hundreds of other countries, very minor decision you make have repercussions that affect people around the world. If it's not your thing, I understand and don't worry, there are still non-political posts going up. I hope I can help people see past the tightly controlled media and learn how to access the whole story... I might as well start with my family and friends.