Ottawa, Ontario has the world's longest skating rink measuring in at an impressive 7.8 km (4.5 miles). Every winter they freeze the canal that runs through town and have winter festivals and an outdoor skating rink all winter long. Generally, as I am told, the festivities begin in the beginning or middle of December... but always by christmas. Over the past several years, though, they have had to push the date back further until this year, it is January 6th and the canal is still not open.
The world is getting hotter.
Our government recently refused to participate in a conference attended in Canada by over 180 countries that addressed the impending dangers of climate change and how we, the people who live on this earth, can begin to fix this horribly irresponsible mistake we've made. To give you an idea, there are 192 countries in the world. This follows on the heels of the US literally leaving the negotiating table 4 years ago at the kyoto conference, where the world's leaders came together to agree upon lowering world emissions by 5.2% by 2012. The US is indisputably the largest polluter in the world. 180 of 192 countries are on board and hear the scientists saying that we are in trouble. The US government, however, insisits on telling you that global warming is a myth, that it is not scientifically proven, and that it is not a threat.
5 years ago Canadians skated on the ice down the street from me in December. It's gotten later every year until now, ehen it is January and we still don't have solid ice.
How warm was it recently around Oklahoma? I saw the news which said it was in the 70's as they bettled wildfires. 70 degrees in the middle of January! What was January like when you were a kid? Does anyone remember your childhood being colder than now?
The world is getting hotter. Please, get informed. Do what you can. If you'd like help or information, get ahold of me and I will help point you in the right direction. I want this place to still be inhabitable for my grandkids... what do you think, guys?