Oh, and as for getting hit by a car, I stopped at a two-way stop sign thinking it was a four-way and I expected the woman coming from my right to stop. She never even saw me and I hit the side of her car while she was doing about 30 miles an hour. I put my right arm through her driver's side backseat window and opened my arm up good. I'd put pictures up but I know my mom reads this so I'll spare her the imagery. I was in the ER for 8 hours because I was admitted just ahead of a shift change and I got lost in the shuffle. 6 hours later I had to send Katy up to ask if I could at least have an Advil. They looked at her funny and she explained that I had been hit by a car but that no one had even looked at me since I walked in the door six hours earlier. That got 'em moving. Lucky for them I really didn't have any other issues... didn't hit my head or bump or bruise anything. I would have gotten away scot free had it not been for her pathetic excuse for a window. Anyway, everything is okay now. I had to take 2 weeks off from work to let the wound heal. Funny to think I was talking in the ER like I was going to go in to work the next day. It's taking some effort, but I'm getting back into a normal routine. I've been really busy making watch paintings and putting up the etsy store. Also, this past weekend I hung a dozen pieces at a science-fiction convention here in town. I sold two!
Almost There...
Faster, Grandpa! Faster!
I even designed myself a business card for the occasion:
It was a great experience. And, I found out about the event at the last minute and managed to pull together a whole show in just two days. It was work, but with a little help from Katy and some friends I got it done.
So yeah... stuff's been happening. All is well.