Happy holidays everyone! Katy and I flew to Toronto last week to spend the holidays with her family and I finally find myself with time to sit and write. It's been a good week. I got to go to Ottawa for the weekend and visit the Micals and some friends from school. Peter, Nicholas, and (to a lesser degree) Steven were adorable, as always. Peter is now 4, Nicholas is 10 and Steven will be 15 on Christmas. Fifteen!!! He was Nicholas' age when I met him! My how time flies. They're all doing great, and we had a fantastic time visiting. I also got to see several friends at school and was lucky enough to roll into town for their Christmas party. I took a train back to Toronto last night and am now relaxing before getting into the Christmas week! I still need to get Christmas cards in the mail (bad Parker) and hope to do so today. I only did a handful but I drew them, myself so I hope it's excusable that they're late. I'm excited for Christmas this year... I wish I could see my own family but I'm really glad to have Katy's family to be with instead. Hopefully next year will be Christmas in the States. No promises though, anyone. Ok, I'll leave you with a couple of videos of Peter (who else?)... I especially love the second one. He wanted to play a song with me so we did. Hope you're all enjoying a wonderful Christmas season with friends and family. No recession can take our family from us... at least we have that.
Merry Christmas!!!