I still can't believe this is happening. I can only imagine what it must be like to be in the States right now... even Vancouver is noticeably happier today. This morning's news lacked the tension and uncertainty it is generally burdened with. The guys at the coffee shop this morning were talking to me about the feeling of hope they had when they awoke. People on the streets are talking about the election as they read their papers and wait for their buses. Katy doesn't feel that the future is so grim now and is no longer afraid to accompany me to the States. God, the SUN even came out today! I feel PRIDE! I feel HOPE! I feel that the future is WIDE OPEN!!! No longer are we subject to the abject cynicism the current government brought with them. No longer will irony and absurdity underlie our everyday lives. All over America, the people said ENOUGH! The country I so badly wanted to believe in came together and change is at hand! I can't really write anything coherent right now because all I want to do is hoot and holler in joy!
Instead, I'm going back to my job hunt.
But man, I am one happy unemployed American!!!