Hi all and happy Canadian Thanksgiving. Katy and I have had a really nice three-day weekend together for the holiday. The weather cleared up and the sun came out and all was good. Katy summed it up well when she said, "I love it when we have food and alcohol and time and life is good." Yep... that about sums it up for me, too. Sunday evening we were invited to have turkey dinner with some distant relatives of Katys who live not far from us here. (You might call them close distant relatives) It was nice getting to meet new people and it was really nice getting a fancy turkey dinner with all the trimmings. I had the most amazing brussel sprouts. Never thought I'd say that... but I went back for seconds and thirds on them, they were so good. Other than that, we got some cleaning done and a bit of relaxing done.
The unbelievable event I refered to in the post title, though, came earlier in the week. You all remember when Katy's computer got stolen on our way out here, right? Well the story has continued developing since then but I didn't want to say anything to jinx it. Katy received an email a few weeks ago from some random guy asking if she had ever owned a powerbook and if so had she sold it or was it stolen? He said that he and a friend were doing some social experimenting on internet classified ad pages to see if they were used to traffic stolen goods. He bought Katy's computer off a website and then tracked her down online (it's easy to find someone with so original a family name as Katy). He never asked for a thing from her except that she do something nice for someone else someday. Anyway, we were a bit skeptical until this past week when the computer arrived via Canada Post. I'm writing this blog entry right now on Katy's computer. What a random thing to happen, no? Guess her karma got stacked too heavily against her.
But all is well on the West coast. It will be nice working a four day workweek this week. Love three day weekends. Katy and I are excited that we'll be visiting Mom in SD in a few weeks... and before that we have a couple of friends staying here with us on their way through. Good times are ahead... hope you all have a great week.
"Human beings will be happier - not when they cure cancer or get to Mars or eliminate racial prejudice or flush Lake Erie but when they find ways to inhabit primitive communities again. That's my utopia." -Kurt Vonnegut