Haven't written most of you in quite some time because I've been in my underground lair grinding out a thesis for so long. Well, it is done. I now have a Master's degree in Architecture. I finished strong standing in front of the most difficult defense committee I could have possibly chosen. (I'm a sucker for punishment) They beat me up pretty good but I had responses to all their questions and, in the end, came out on top. I am really proud of my work and I'm proud of what I produced. now I have to try to reintegrate back into the daytime world of normal people. It's almost as hard as reintegrating after the Army. Well, ok, not quite.
So now I'm riding out the Summer in Ottawa working a couple of odd jobs just to make some cash and I'm off to Vancouver with Katy in late July or early August. We're really excited about the move but we're not sure how we're getting there, yet. Minor details, right? All is good here in Ottawa. The weather has been spectacular following the worst winter Ottawa has seen in a long time. I can't tell you how beautiful sunshine is after having a couple of meters of snow on the ground for a few months. We've been getting alot of use out of the barbecue in the courtyard and we've planted flowers and herbs in the garden that's outside our ground-level window. We got new screens this weekend so we can finally open our windows! It's been a long time since I've had open windows. The cats always got out before. I guess that's about it. Let's see... thesis done... odd jobs... Summer... sunshine... Vancouver... yep, that basically covers it. Hope you are all well. I owe a bunch of you phone calls and am trying to get caught up on those, too. Maybe I'll hear back from you all in the meantime. Have a wonderful day, everyone.