Well, crit day has come and gone and I have had time to take a deep breath and wash all my laundry and dishes. My crit went very well. After a slight hiccup to start things off (I forgot everything I wanted to say and turned to my critics and told them so) I made a clear and concise presentation and then we had a good 20 minute discussion about my project. They liked it and were critical of it also so in the end I got alot out of it. Here are some perspectives I rendered for this project. I taught myself to use another new program... well, my friend, Venk, helped alot. Anyway, these were created in a modeling program and then rendered in an animation program. Hopefully I will be making animations soon. Anyway, now I'm focusing for a few days on getting christmas cards and presents sent out. I never manage to do this on time so it will be interesting to see if I pull it off this year.
Otherwise, nothing to report. I have done nothing but studio for longer than I can remember... literally. I was working 20-30 hour days. It was grueling. But I'm over
that particular hump. Oh yeah, I put up a christmas tree! It's a tiny
thing I picked up for $5 at Michael's (yeah, they have those here, too). My camera is at school but I'll have pictures soon. I have a few decorations here and there and my stockings up. I'm listening to Christmas music now. I'm trying to be excited for Christmas this year... I'll let you know how that goes.
Alright, back to my book. Goodnight, everyone...