To you my loyal readers I must first apologize for my extended absence. School was really monopolizing my time for a bit... like that's anything new. Nonetheless, here I am alive and well. Last week I flew to San Francisco to visit the city and a friend for the week. It is a beautiful city with some very unique culture. I really enjoyed walking around San Francisco. Lots of people, lots of tourists, lots of buildings, lots of flavor and lots of used book stores. I had to make myself stop going into book stores eventually. I didn't go overboard but could have very easily.
After a nice week in San Francisco I caught a hop down to San Diego to link up with my classmates from school for a week long research trip. They are all on vacation staying in a beach house on Mission beach and I'm staying with Mom. It's nice to be able to see Mom. It's nice to be able to get away from everyone a bit, too. So I've spent this week going back and forth between architecture tours with class and hanging out with Mom. She took Tuesday off work and half of Wednesday in order to go to Art museums and whatnot with me. I love hanging out with my mom. I love that I can say that. I got to take her to a famous building complex called the Salk Institute and give her a guided tour. It was alot of fun. Yesterday we spent the day at a local business that combines a metal shop in the back with a restaurant in the front. The shop fabricates all kinds of custom metal work including the dishes, chairs, tables, menus, glasses, etc for the front restaurant. We spent the day designing pieces and fabricating them in the shop. I'll put more details on the blog later but for now let it suffice to say that my partner and I blew everyone's minds. They didn't expect I would take it seriously and they didn't expect he would create a unique design. Well, we did both.
Mmm... they're cutting the grass outside and it smells wonderful. It's snowing in Ottawa. They're cutting the grass in San Diego.
Ok, I'm going to go have lunch with a friend now. But first I'll throw a few pictures up. These are some postcard shots of SF and of the Palace of Fine Arts (I think that's what it's called)... then me in front of the DeYoung museum. Last are a series of shots from two of my favorite paintings. They are by Wayne Thiebaud. I have long been fascinated by his art thanks to my friend, Jenne, but now I have seen them in person and am fully in love. More to come soon. Feel free to bug me for blog posts if I don't post for awhile. Sometimes I just need the prodding... like a cow.