My mom and Corey have started a blog! Wow... what is this world coming to? I think it's impressive that they've started this and I'm looking forward to being able to keep up with them online now. You can now always find a link to their page at the right --->
Check them out from time to time...
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Christmas is over already, eh?
Hi everyone,
Your favorite Disappearing Act here, reporting from Toronto. How was everyone's holiday?: Mine has been good, albeit a bit stressful. So it goes. I've been at Katy's parents' house for a week now and we're both itching to get back to our own routine. I guess it's like this for everyone at some point. We've had a great visit, though. It's been very nice having a family around for the holidays instead of just my cats and my books. Christmas breakfast with her parents sure beats the heck out of Starbucks (see 2005). So Katy's making pancakes this morning and I'm planning on going to see a friend who moved here from Ottawa several months ago. We have to take Katy's car in for repairs, find me a pair of ice skates and go to one more chiropractor appointment and then it's back to the grind in Ottawa. Four months left to finish my thesis. It's gonna go fast. Here comes insanity! Oooh... and here comes my pancakes! Ok, yummy pancakes calleth... more later.
Your favorite Disappearing Act here, reporting from Toronto. How was everyone's holiday?: Mine has been good, albeit a bit stressful. So it goes. I've been at Katy's parents' house for a week now and we're both itching to get back to our own routine. I guess it's like this for everyone at some point. We've had a great visit, though. It's been very nice having a family around for the holidays instead of just my cats and my books. Christmas breakfast with her parents sure beats the heck out of Starbucks (see 2005). So Katy's making pancakes this morning and I'm planning on going to see a friend who moved here from Ottawa several months ago. We have to take Katy's car in for repairs, find me a pair of ice skates and go to one more chiropractor appointment and then it's back to the grind in Ottawa. Four months left to finish my thesis. It's gonna go fast. Here comes insanity! Oooh... and here comes my pancakes! Ok, yummy pancakes calleth... more later.
Monday, December 24, 2007
More Parker! (and an early christmas present)
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Early Christmas
So I'm writing this morning from Katy's parents' place in Toronto. Katy and I took advantage of the break between snowstorms to drive down last night. The night before we left, though, I went to Thomas' house and gave them their presents. I gave Suzy "The Man Who Smokes Asparagus," and Steven a few Manga books. I'll give Thomas and Peter their gifts when I get back from vacation. This year was Nicholas' year to get a big present. Last year Steven got my old Mac computer so this year I made Nicholas a hamster cage out of my old TV. I took videos for you, Jan. More later... merry christmas!

Monday, December 17, 2007
The day after yesterday...
Well, yesterday was the most fantastic display of divine weather prowess I've ever seen! So much snow! It's like a completely different landscape out there. I tried to go to school but only made it as far as katy's. We sat around all evening and did nothing. I played video games and she studied for her GREs (graduate readiness exams) that she's taking today as part of her grad school application process. Tonight I get to go to Thomas' house and give Nicholas his present. I've made my old wooden TV into a hamster cage for his hamster. Can't wait to show pictures. It's one of my favorite things I've ever made.
For now I'm going to go outside where it's white and sunny... the day after a blizzard is beautifuly charged and exciting. Everyone's in good moods. I guess it's the sunshine amplified by the reflection on the snow. Anyway, off to school to paint!
For now I'm going to go outside where it's white and sunny... the day after a blizzard is beautifuly charged and exciting. Everyone's in good moods. I guess it's the sunshine amplified by the reflection on the snow. Anyway, off to school to paint!
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Today we are having what some are calling the worst blizzard to hit Ottawa in 40 years. It's amazing! You can't see two blocks down the street it's snowing so hard! I'd take pictures but my camera is at school. I tried to go to school but only made it as far as Katy's house where I gladly came inside for a cup of hot chocolate. Heck with school. More later. My hot chocolate is cooling.
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
...and breeeeathe

Well, crit day has come and gone and I have had time to take a deep breath and wash all my laundry and dishes. My crit went very well. After a slight hiccup to start things off (I forgot everything I wanted to say and turned to my critics and told them so) I made a clear and concise presentation and then we had a good 20 minute discussion about my project. They liked it and were critical of it also so in the end I got alot out of it. Here are some perspectives I rendered for this project. I taught myself to use another new program... well, my friend, Venk, helped alot. Anyway, these were created in a modeling program and then rendered in an animation program. Hopefully I will be making animations soon. Anyway, now I'm focusing for a few days on getting christmas cards and presents sent out. I never manage to do this on time so it will be interesting to see if I pull it off this year.
Otherwise, nothing to report. I have done nothing but studio for longer than I can remember... literally. I was working 20-30 hour days. It was grueling. But I'm over
that particular hump. Oh yeah, I put up a christmas tree! It's a tiny
thing I picked up for $5 at Michael's (yeah, they have those here, too). My camera is at school but I'll have pictures soon. I have a few decorations here and there and my stockings up. I'm listening to Christmas music now. I'm trying to be excited for Christmas this year... I'll let you know how that goes.
Alright, back to my book. Goodnight, everyone...
Friday, November 30, 2007
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
It's snowing!
Well, once again the first snow of the year has fallen a day shy of American Thanksgiving. I love the snow, mostly. It's a pain in the neck (well, feet actually) when it turns to slush but such is life. I'm really glad it finally snowed because I finally have a reason to wear the hat my friends Sergei and Natalie gave me. It's handmade and straight from somewhere in or around Russia. Perhaps Ukraine? Mom help me out here. Anyway, here's a picture of my hat...
I love it!
Ok, I've been trying to upload a video but it's not working so I'm gonna hit the sack. Goodnight, everyone.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Hi everyone,
Thought I'd take a few minutes and post some of the work I've been doing online. I don't have any of my actual architecture drawings digitized yet but these are some of the paintings I've been working on. I'm in the middle of a series of crazy people. I think I may try to have a crazy person show... I'll let you know how that goes. Anyway, I've gotta get back to work. Oh yeah, enjoy my Halloween costume at the end, too. Oh yeah, and I'll throw some Peter videos on here, too... and Steven cooking and singing.

Thought I'd take a few minutes and post some of the work I've been doing online. I don't have any of my actual architecture drawings digitized yet but these are some of the paintings I've been working on. I'm in the middle of a series of crazy people. I think I may try to have a crazy person show... I'll let you know how that goes. Anyway, I've gotta get back to work. Oh yeah, enjoy my Halloween costume at the end, too. Oh yeah, and I'll throw some Peter videos on here, too... and Steven cooking and singing.
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Oh the distractions...
Well I keep telling myself I'll sit down and write but I feel like I have so much to catch up on that it will take forever to post. So I'm just going to write and if I leave anything out I assume I'll be forgiven. Last night Katy and I went on a date for the first time in a long while. We went bowling... sorta. It turns out that bowling here is done with a tiny ball barely bigger than a softball and there are only 5 pins. It was a small room with 10 or 12 lanes and the pins are either on some kind of string or magnet... not sure which. It was a blast! I can throw a 15 lb ball pretty hard... I can really hurl a 5 lb ball!
Oh yeah, Halloween... that was fun. First, my friend Jon and I made a pumpkin for the pumpkin carving contest. Meet Pierre the Pumpkin...

Katy and I took the kids trick-or-treating. Nicholas and Steven brought a friend, Calvin, along and we went and got free candy.

Then for the architecture party I dressed as a fairy princess this year. Yep... a fairy princess. :) I found a ridiculous dress at the thrift store and wore it with combat boots. It was quite shocking... none of the students I teach can ever look at me the same again. :)
I'm trying to upload pictures but may have to run out before they get done. Yep... you'll have to wait for those. I have to get going. Talk again soon!
Oh yeah, Halloween... that was fun. First, my friend Jon and I made a pumpkin for the pumpkin carving contest. Meet Pierre the Pumpkin...
Katy and I took the kids trick-or-treating. Nicholas and Steven brought a friend, Calvin, along and we went and got free candy.
Then for the architecture party I dressed as a fairy princess this year. Yep... a fairy princess. :) I found a ridiculous dress at the thrift store and wore it with combat boots. It was quite shocking... none of the students I teach can ever look at me the same again. :)
I'm trying to upload pictures but may have to run out before they get done. Yep... you'll have to wait for those. I have to get going. Talk again soon!
Friday, October 19, 2007
Welcome a new Parker and listen to some juice harp
Hello everyone. First off, I'd like you to all welcome Maury's new baby into the world. Just say it outloud. He can hear. Parker Landon Ross entered the world at 1:15 pm last Wednesday, the 10th, at 8lbs 11oz and 20.75". I'm unbelievably honored to have him named after me. :) His mom, Tarrah, made it through like a champ and is doing well, so I hear.
Otherwise, things are the same here. Imagine that! I've been reading a book about the city of Mumbai, India called, Maximum City. I've been reading alot of philosophy both for my philosophy class and for my thesis. Exciting stuff. I'm going to a friend's art show tonight. Thomas and Suzy's for dinner Sunday. Same ol' same ol'.
The one thing different lately is that I've been playing my harmonica all over town. I'm finally getting over my fear of playing in front of people. For those just coming in on the story, I picked up the harmonica in June and have taught myself to make music. Here's what I sound like these days...
Ok, that's it for now. I'll write again next time I come up for some sunlight! Until then...
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving, eh?
Well this past weekend was thanksgiving up here in hockey land. I went home with Katy to Toronto and stayed with her family for a few days. Her brother, Kevin, was away at college for the first time and they were glad to have him home for the holiday. We had a nice turkey dinner Saturday at her parents' house and then went to have dinner with her mom's family Sunday (the British side). We had a great time. No one wanted to mess with cooking so they ordered Chinese take-out. We ate until we were stuffed... then they gave me another plate. They have it in their minds that I don't eat enough. I dunno. We drank and played music on the stereo and danced and sang until late into the night. It really was a fun time. Then we drove home late Sunday night and it is now Monday morning and I'm sitting in grad school crits all day. Fun stuff. Ok, better get back to paying attention.
Until next time...
Until next time...
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Catching up...
Hi everyone... but mostly Mary K. I was thinking about you last night as I made tea using the kettle you sent me. Then Mom emailed and mentioned you so I figured I should hop on and jot a note. Didn't realize it had been so long since I posted. Time flies. To skip over the vitals, Katy and I wrapped our vacation up at the beginning of September and came back to Ottawa in time for school to start, yet again. Got settled in and have been doing school full time for a month or so now.
School has started fast and furious. I have gotten alot of work done and am really pleased with my work ethic so far. We'll see if I can keep it up. Tuesday I have my first review. I should be writing my abstract now but am doing this instead. (Ah! Sweet distractions!) I have picked my site for my project and done some preliminary work. Soon I will begin on the actual building. I have really enjoyed my teaching assistant job so far. The kids all get alot out of me, it seems. They ask alot of questions and invite me to their desks to see what they're doing. I enjoy having such a receptive audience. It's really validating sometimes. I'm helping in 3rd year studio. They have been building a project we call "Dinner is Served," where they design a pavillion to seat 8 and serve a meal out next to the river on campus. It's the first time they are let loose as students to design anything and the first time they get to build. It's a great project. Tomorrow night is their presentation. I'll be amongst a couple dozen people that go out to have dinner with one of the pavilions.
I look forward to it.
This weekend is Canadian Thanksgiving. Yeah, I know... Thanksgiving before Halloween, how's that work? So I'm finishing my work for Tuesday by tonight and we're going to visit Katy's parents in Toronto for Thanksgiving. I get TURKEY this weekend! I don't have a camera on hand to show you a picture, but you can imagine I am one happy boy. I get to see her family
again... I like them... they like me. It's good times.
Um... what else...? Nothing, I guess. Anyway, just wanted to let you all know I'm alive. Sorry for being so irregular. You know how it gets sometimes. Thank you to all the regulars who stick with me through the droughts. Happy Canadian Thanksgiving, everyone!
School has started fast and furious. I have gotten alot of work done and am really pleased with my work ethic so far. We'll see if I can keep it up. Tuesday I have my first review. I should be writing my abstract now but am doing this instead. (Ah! Sweet distractions!) I have picked my site for my project and done some preliminary work. Soon I will begin on the actual building. I have really enjoyed my teaching assistant job so far. The kids all get alot out of me, it seems. They ask alot of questions and invite me to their desks to see what they're doing. I enjoy having such a receptive audience. It's really validating sometimes. I'm helping in 3rd year studio. They have been building a project we call "Dinner is Served," where they design a pavillion to seat 8 and serve a meal out next to the river on campus. It's the first time they are let loose as students to design anything and the first time they get to build. It's a great project. Tomorrow night is their presentation. I'll be amongst a couple dozen people that go out to have dinner with one of the pavilions.
I look forward to it.
This weekend is Canadian Thanksgiving. Yeah, I know... Thanksgiving before Halloween, how's that work? So I'm finishing my work for Tuesday by tonight and we're going to visit Katy's parents in Toronto for Thanksgiving. I get TURKEY this weekend! I don't have a camera on hand to show you a picture, but you can imagine I am one happy boy. I get to see her family
Um... what else...? Nothing, I guess. Anyway, just wanted to let you all know I'm alive. Sorry for being so irregular. You know how it gets sometimes. Thank you to all the regulars who stick with me through the droughts. Happy Canadian Thanksgiving, everyone!
Sunday, August 26, 2007
I spent two days in Los Angeles and now believe in hell...
So Friday morning Katy and I jumped a bus to Los Angeles to go check out the grad program at SCIArch (Southern California Institute of Architecture). We took a new bus line that's offering promotional deals, called Megabus. Megabus was a fantastic deal! It cost us a dollar each to go to LA and $3 each to come back. Yes, folks, that's a round trip ticket for two to Los Angeles from San Diego for $8! It was a good start to a trip.

The bus was new and clean and very roomy, seeing as how there were only 4 passengers. Megabus is a British company looking to break into the US market so as a promotional, they are offering ridiculously low fares between major cities. If you are in a Megabus city, I highly recommend that you jump on a bus to somewhere just for the heck of it. What better way to spend $5 and a Saturday?
Once we got to LA we walked out of Union Station and had our sack lunch in a little Mexican square. Well, Katy made a salad so it wasn't really in a sack. Afterwards we walked through Littly Tokyo (which should more aptly be named Little Empty Warehouse District) to get to SCIArch. Katy was tickled to be there but I was a bit less than thrilled. This is Katy upon arrival:
...and this is me:

Like I said, less than thrilled. I was happy to be there for her, but I already was unimpressed with LA and the location of the school. It was a good tour. The building is a quarter of a mile long and was the the first concrete and steel building built in Los Angeles in 1907. It used to be a freight warehouse. The program itself was highly unimpressive, given the amount of publication done on, about, and from this school. I didn't see a signle piece of architecture in the whole tour... lots of designs, lots of sculptures, and a handful of pretty models. Turns out the SCIArch mostly makes pretty things on computers. Reading some of their thesis abstracts, it seems they can't really write, either. Glad I didn't go there... it was on my list. Katy was, thankfully, wholly unimpressed. Now I don't have to worry about being dragged to LA.
Notes on LA: I can't adequately express the pure and utter misery that Los Angeles seems to have brought on the human condition. We didn't see a single happy person there... not a smile on the streets. And when Katy smiled at people (being Canadian, she does that) it seemed to freak them out. It was hot and humid with hardly a tree in sight. Not 10 minutes after we got off our bus we both started coughing from all the smog in the air... it's so thick it settles on the buildings! The average road is 7 lanes in one direction... and this is downtown. The level of poverty evident just around the financial district is staggering. There is no real interaction between the buildings and the street. Most city blocks consist of a large mid-to-high rise building plugged into the ground with possibly a couple of cafes for the workers to get their coffee at. Lots and lots and lots of brick walls flanking streets. So it goes.

After SCIArch we walked to our hotel, the Biltmore Millennium. This joint was awesome! It is an old movie star hotel from the 1920's. The common areas were all hand-painted plaster done by a single man. The rooms were nice, too, but the rest of the hotel was so much fun to walk through. We spent alot of time exploring it... which was nice because I don't know if I mentioned it or not, but LA sucks. I'll just let the hotel pictures speak for themselves:

The pool was a roman style bath in the basement.

Katy saw this guy right after reading his poster. He's a life coach and was there speaking to a business managers graduating class. Evidently he's famous. I don't know... ask Katy.
While we were walking around Saturday we came across this random sculpture on the side of the AT&T building. See? There's potential for my kind of work.

Friday night we got all dolled up and went into downtown to a nice little Spanish/Cuban restaurant. On the way there we stopped in and had a drink in a rotating bar on the 35th floor of some building. Considering how much we both hated Los Angeles, we had a blast. It was a nice night of diner and conversation over a decent Chilean wine and a fantastic stuffed sirloin. I love that we can split meals... she eats like a bird, I eat like a bear. It works.

This is the building with the rotating restaurant... see the two light bands at the top?

And this is the Cuban joint.

Saturday we roamed downtown Los Angeles only to find out just how little there is to do there. We saw the Walt Disney Concert Hall by Frank Gehry.
Now, I've always had pretty strong feelings against Frank Gehry's more recent work but touring this building... well, it just absolutely cemented my opinion of his over-publicized and under-designed hunks of grotesque, self-aggrandizing titanium.

All of the effort in the building is put into the thousands of sheets of titanium plated together to form a shell outside the actual building. The whole exterior is held together with machine screws.

It only looks good from a distance... and even that is debatable. The interior is thoughtless, bland, lacks detail and human scale. The fixtures, doors, hardware, etc. are the same ones on your local high school, church or Wal Mart.

The titanium might have looked good once, but now it just collects smog particles and looks like a dirty car.

The joints are ill-fitted.

The seams often have trails of dirt and corrosion streaming down them.

I could go on for pages. Needless to say, I was not surprised, but thoroughly disappointed that this is considered a "masterpiece" of architecture.

It confirms to me that it is not true architects writing the publications. At least there was a cool fountain, though. As I'm looking through pictures I realize that we never took a picture of the whole fountain. Shame. It was a giant lotus flower made of shattered pieces of blue china tile. I forget what kind it is... but Katy thinks it's a traditional Portugese tile. Someone reading this may know.

The shiny metal makes for some great funhouse mirror moments, too.

This is me waiting for the bus home. We were in really crappy moods and had been ready to leave for hours but had to wait for our bus to get there. It's funny now.
And more insight... this time with actual words:
All in all, though, we had a good time together. We're both surprised we managed to get through that without killing one another but I guess we're just good (or lucky) like that. So it goes. Lesson learned: Los Angeles makes you angry and steals your soul... and will give you a good case of black lung given a week or two. I feel sorry for all the people trapped there. I'm just glad Katy crossed it off her list... since she wouldn't listen when I told her months ago that LA is a hot, angry, concrete prison. Chalk it up to experience... and now she trusts me more. Gotta give her a break, though, she's Canadian, she thinks everything's nice. No wonder they need us so bad. Ok, I've been at this post for hours now. I actually fell asleep last night while writing and now it's morning. I'm going to go get breakfast.
The bus was new and clean and very roomy, seeing as how there were only 4 passengers. Megabus is a British company looking to break into the US market so as a promotional, they are offering ridiculously low fares between major cities. If you are in a Megabus city, I highly recommend that you jump on a bus to somewhere just for the heck of it. What better way to spend $5 and a Saturday?
Once we got to LA we walked out of Union Station and had our sack lunch in a little Mexican square. Well, Katy made a salad so it wasn't really in a sack. Afterwards we walked through Littly Tokyo (which should more aptly be named Little Empty Warehouse District) to get to SCIArch. Katy was tickled to be there but I was a bit less than thrilled. This is Katy upon arrival:
Like I said, less than thrilled. I was happy to be there for her, but I already was unimpressed with LA and the location of the school. It was a good tour. The building is a quarter of a mile long and was the the first concrete and steel building built in Los Angeles in 1907. It used to be a freight warehouse. The program itself was highly unimpressive, given the amount of publication done on, about, and from this school. I didn't see a signle piece of architecture in the whole tour... lots of designs, lots of sculptures, and a handful of pretty models. Turns out the SCIArch mostly makes pretty things on computers. Reading some of their thesis abstracts, it seems they can't really write, either. Glad I didn't go there... it was on my list. Katy was, thankfully, wholly unimpressed. Now I don't have to worry about being dragged to LA.
Notes on LA: I can't adequately express the pure and utter misery that Los Angeles seems to have brought on the human condition. We didn't see a single happy person there... not a smile on the streets. And when Katy smiled at people (being Canadian, she does that) it seemed to freak them out. It was hot and humid with hardly a tree in sight. Not 10 minutes after we got off our bus we both started coughing from all the smog in the air... it's so thick it settles on the buildings! The average road is 7 lanes in one direction... and this is downtown. The level of poverty evident just around the financial district is staggering. There is no real interaction between the buildings and the street. Most city blocks consist of a large mid-to-high rise building plugged into the ground with possibly a couple of cafes for the workers to get their coffee at. Lots and lots and lots of brick walls flanking streets. So it goes.
After SCIArch we walked to our hotel, the Biltmore Millennium. This joint was awesome! It is an old movie star hotel from the 1920's. The common areas were all hand-painted plaster done by a single man. The rooms were nice, too, but the rest of the hotel was so much fun to walk through. We spent alot of time exploring it... which was nice because I don't know if I mentioned it or not, but LA sucks. I'll just let the hotel pictures speak for themselves:
The pool was a roman style bath in the basement.
Katy saw this guy right after reading his poster. He's a life coach and was there speaking to a business managers graduating class. Evidently he's famous. I don't know... ask Katy.
While we were walking around Saturday we came across this random sculpture on the side of the AT&T building. See? There's potential for my kind of work.
Friday night we got all dolled up and went into downtown to a nice little Spanish/Cuban restaurant. On the way there we stopped in and had a drink in a rotating bar on the 35th floor of some building. Considering how much we both hated Los Angeles, we had a blast. It was a nice night of diner and conversation over a decent Chilean wine and a fantastic stuffed sirloin. I love that we can split meals... she eats like a bird, I eat like a bear. It works.
This is the building with the rotating restaurant... see the two light bands at the top?
And this is the Cuban joint.
Saturday we roamed downtown Los Angeles only to find out just how little there is to do there. We saw the Walt Disney Concert Hall by Frank Gehry.
Now, I've always had pretty strong feelings against Frank Gehry's more recent work but touring this building... well, it just absolutely cemented my opinion of his over-publicized and under-designed hunks of grotesque, self-aggrandizing titanium.
All of the effort in the building is put into the thousands of sheets of titanium plated together to form a shell outside the actual building. The whole exterior is held together with machine screws.
It only looks good from a distance... and even that is debatable. The interior is thoughtless, bland, lacks detail and human scale. The fixtures, doors, hardware, etc. are the same ones on your local high school, church or Wal Mart.
The titanium might have looked good once, but now it just collects smog particles and looks like a dirty car.
The joints are ill-fitted.
The seams often have trails of dirt and corrosion streaming down them.
I could go on for pages. Needless to say, I was not surprised, but thoroughly disappointed that this is considered a "masterpiece" of architecture.
It confirms to me that it is not true architects writing the publications. At least there was a cool fountain, though. As I'm looking through pictures I realize that we never took a picture of the whole fountain. Shame. It was a giant lotus flower made of shattered pieces of blue china tile. I forget what kind it is... but Katy thinks it's a traditional Portugese tile. Someone reading this may know.
The shiny metal makes for some great funhouse mirror moments, too.
This is me waiting for the bus home. We were in really crappy moods and had been ready to leave for hours but had to wait for our bus to get there. It's funny now.
And more insight... this time with actual words:
All in all, though, we had a good time together. We're both surprised we managed to get through that without killing one another but I guess we're just good (or lucky) like that. So it goes. Lesson learned: Los Angeles makes you angry and steals your soul... and will give you a good case of black lung given a week or two. I feel sorry for all the people trapped there. I'm just glad Katy crossed it off her list... since she wouldn't listen when I told her months ago that LA is a hot, angry, concrete prison. Chalk it up to experience... and now she trusts me more. Gotta give her a break, though, she's Canadian, she thinks everything's nice. No wonder they need us so bad. Ok, I've been at this post for hours now. I actually fell asleep last night while writing and now it's morning. I'm going to go get breakfast.
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