I came home from school at 8:00 last night after a 30-hour workday and turned on the shower to get cleaned up. I woke up at about 2 in the morning on my couch with the shower still running in the other room. My apartment is so humid right now. Anyway, hi everyone. If you aren't used to it by now, I've hit that point at school where I disappear for a little while. I need badly to take a personal day but haven't had time in a few weeks. Yesterday I built a concept model for many, many hours and ended up not going to sleep. Then yesterday afternoon I made a pretty nice airbrushed drawing, wrote a paper for Theory and then called it quits. I slept through the first half of class and skipped the second. I thought I was going to come home and have something to eat but that didn't exactly pan out. Now it's 2am and I'm too awake. Grr. I was going to put a couple pictures of my work up but I left my card reader at school so that will have to wait. There's really not a lot to write about... sorry to be so anticlimactic but I have no time to make stories anymore. I can't believe it's the 16th already... geez. I swear it was September a couple days ago. Tomorrow ought to be filled with essay reading, drawings and model making as usual. Hope everyone is doing well. Please drop me a line and say hello... just don't get too antsy for a quick response. I'll post work online as soon as I can get to it. Goodnight all...