Mom's building

View into downtown... the picture is really crap though and doesn't do it justice. It's quite pleasant despite my apparent lack of photographic talent.

Mom's building again...

...and another shot towards downtown.

The view from the building's entryway. Mom's apartment is that first door on the left.

Looking back towards the entry gate from which the last picture was taken. Mom's apartment is now the last on the right.

This is the view Northeast from the central patio area.

This is that central patio area.

This is on the other side of the building but it gives you an idea of the general feel of the apartments. It's quite quaint here.

More common area between apartments...

...and more.

Ok, so this is mom's door...

...and through the front door...

...the living room ("Are you showing pictures of my dirty house online?" -Mom)


...living room on the left, kitchen on the right.
And that's pretty much it. She's got a nice little place here. She's right next to two freeways but not close enough to hear them. She's just up the street (about a mile) from the middle of downtown San Diego in the middle of a nice neighborhood filled with young couples and families. There's a nice neighborhood area just up the hill from her place... about 5 short blocks... where there are a couple of small grocers, a couple of pizza places, coffee shops, corner flower vendor, fruit vendor, et al. And it's all run by locals! You can see Coronado bridge from here... should've taken a picture of that... and there is a park just up the street with a beautiful overview of the city. In fact, I'm going to go take pictures of that now.